CliqueClack TV

What do you think of 24’s mole?


The identity of the FBI mole on 24 has been one of the main questions since the season started (in my mind anyway). We knew that someone was helping Dubaku from the inside, but we didn’t know who.

Up until last night, my money was on either Janis or Erika, the blonde chick. Or possibly even Larry Moss himself.

But it seemed a little anticlimactic to learn that the mole was actually Sean, a sort of nondescript character whose main storyline up to this point involved having an affair with Erika.

Or do you still think that Janis could be involved somehow? When I saw her getting into the system so she could see what Chloe and Larry were doing, it certainly made me suspicious. I guess they were just trying to throw us off the track?

And did anyone else love this exchange between Janis and Sean:

Sean: “You’re a little bitch, you know that?!”

Janis: “YOU’RE a little bitch!”

Photo Credit: Fox

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “What do you think of 24’s mole?”

February 20, 2009 at 11:06 AM

I was sure it was Erika because Sean was to obvious but I guess I was wrong

February 20, 2009 at 12:47 PM

Heh! I was kinda thinking the same. From the first time I knew there was a mole in CTU I said “It’s Sean”. Then I thought: Well, for a show that has twists every two seconds that would be totally lame, it’s a red hering!. But appearently “24” likes its moles lame :)

February 20, 2009 at 3:02 PM

Honestly I was gunning for Larry to be the mole. I didnt think Janis would be the mole, otherwise she wouldn’t of been so broken up when the guy she was on the phone with at the plant died.

And to be honest everyone in that FBI office is a little bitch. Sean however gets the special title of Dubaku’s bitch.

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