CliqueClack TV

See Jane Clack – Nick Bockwinkel’s a liar, Buffy is driving me nuts, and my Lost theory


On my mind this week is a love/hate relationship with Buffy and Angel, a flashback to Nick Bockwinkel and Larry Zbyszko, a return to my hard rock roots, and my spot-on theory about Lost. Read on, and please add your own clacks in the comments below.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is driving me nuts. I’m a first-timer to this fantastic Joss Whedon series, and I’m loving it. But I have to say that after finishing season three last night, I was so distraught when – SPOILER AHEAD! — Angel left Buffy that I was on the verge of calling it quits! And then I learned that Angel the series ran concurrently with Buffy moving forward from here. I looked at my nephew – who’s loaning me his DVDs — and said, “What? You mean he’s not coming back?!” But he offered a few clues into the future of the series, so I’ll keep watching. I hate it when I get so invested in TV characters. But I love it, too. But then I hate it.

That Metal Show makes me want to bang my head. I’m having a hard rock flashback. Sharing space with Beyonce and Katy Perry on my iPod are the likes of AC/DC, Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Metallica. I’ve gotten re-hooked on the old guard by watching That Metal Show. The hosts – Eddie Trunk, Jim Florentine and Don Jamieson – clearly know they’re stuff, but you can tell they’re just big-ass fans of everyone who comes on the show, from Twisted Sister to Lita Ford to Judas Priest. It’s a lot of fun, even if you’re not into heavy metal, because these people are so committed to the Church of Metal, many of them still sporting spandex and big hair. A new season starts March 7 at 11/10C on VH1 Classic.

Could the island on Lost actually be the one from Fantasy Island? That’s the theory my son and I came up with just moments ago. We fully expect that on the last episode of Lost, we’ll see Mr. Roarke and his little nugget Tattoo stroll out of the jungle and explain that the whole thing began back in the 1970s when Barbi Benton and Audrey Landers stepped off da plane! da plane!

Classic AWA Wrestling takes me back. When I married my husband, I knew I’d also be marrying Nick Bockwinkel, Larry Zbyszko and Vern Gagne. Yes, my husband is a wrestling fan from way back, and I knew I’d have no choice but to succumb to the fandom of sleeper holds, headlocks and pile drivers. Suffice to say I’ll go to my grave knowing that Nick Bockwinkel is a liar and a cheat, and that’s just the way it is. Catch Classic AWA Wrestling on ESPNC at 12 midnight ET. Until then, I’ll leave you with one of my favorite matches from 1985, before things fell apart between Bockwinkel and Zbyszko. The two took on Curt Hennig and Tom Zenk; look for Ray “The Crippler” Stevens and Greg Gagne to get involved, too. Ah, good times.

Photo Credit: Fox

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8 Responses to “See Jane Clack – Nick Bockwinkel’s a liar, Buffy is driving me nuts, and my Lost theory”

March 2, 2009 at 11:01 AM

Your “Lost” theory might be a little more credible, and a little less insensitive, if the actors who played both Mr. Roarke and Tattoo weren’t both dead, one (Mr. Montalban) only months ago.

March 2, 2009 at 2:26 PM

You have to watch Angel Season 1 and Buffy Season 4 side by side – there are a couple of crossover episodes that don’t make sense if you don’t watch them in the order they aired and your Angel experience will be less fulfilling if you didn’t watch the Buffy episode that aired right before it.

The best scene ever on Angel is with spike looming above Angel when Angel rescues a woman in an alley and does his own voiceover for it. Go get those DVDs too, at least season 1 and 2 of Angel. I hated seasons 3 and 4 but 5 was great. Which reminds me that I STILL have to watch the last five episodes of Angel.

March 2, 2009 at 4:28 PM

See, I look at the world and the people in it as separated into two separate groups. Those that think Angel and Buffy should be together, and then there’s the rest of us.

March 2, 2009 at 5:43 PM

I’m on your bandwagon, Dorv! I never quite understood what Angel saw in Buffy, and their relationship was a bit puerile. Although my very favorite crossover in season 4/1 of Buffy/Angel is a reunion of sorts… don’t want to give it away. Jane, you’ll like the next 2 steady beaus Buffy has… again, don’t want to give it away!

March 2, 2009 at 4:31 PM

Scott – It crossed my mind, but my sensitivity filter was down when I wrote this. Still…it wouldn’t be hard to put it together. I nominate Michael Caine and Chuy from Chelsea Lately.

Sebastian – Thanks for the tip. So basically, watch one ep of Buffy S4 then 1 ep of Angel S1 and so on?

March 2, 2009 at 4:33 PM

Dorv – Maybe I’ll feel differently as I work my way through the rest of the two series!

March 2, 2009 at 4:38 PM

No, you should have been there by now ;)

March 2, 2009 at 10:26 PM

What I mean was that if you were going to hate it (like I did), you should be there by the end of Buffy S3.

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