CliqueClack TV

Can Michael Weston have his own show now please?

michael-weston-houseMichael Weston has become a pretty familiar face, at least on my TV, in the last couple of years or so. He’s guest starred on quite a few of my favorite shows, including Scrubs, Medium, and Supernatural.

His role on House as a private investigator named Lucas was supposed to be a lead in for his own spin-off, but that just never materialized. In fact, go ahead and try and find some information about why it never happened, and you’ll end up with zip. It just got swept under the rug.

Lucas was such a wonderful character, and for those three episodes of House, he brought a fun, quirky element that is sorely missed on the snoozefest that has become the Foreteen show. I would’ve gladly traded Wilson for him any day.

My latest Michael Weston sighting came watching last Thursday’s CSI. That just made me sad. Granted, it was a pretty meaty role they gave him, playing two brothers, one of whom had reinvented himself several times. I know CSI has had some big name guest stars over the years as well. But still, seeing how well Weston did taking on so many different characters, I just don’t see why this talented guy doesn’t have his own show yet.

Comedy, drama, procedural … hell, even a talk show. You name it, I’ll watch it if Michael Weston gets top billing. Of course, I will continue to accept the meager scraps thrown to us here and there in the form of guest roles, but really they only serve to make me want more.

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7 Responses to “Can Michael Weston have his own show now please?”

March 5, 2009 at 4:05 PM

I second the motion to give Michael Weston his own show. I would very much appreciate it if his character could be named Jeffrey Donovan! :o)

March 5, 2009 at 5:30 PM

Guess someone burned him…

March 5, 2009 at 10:21 PM

You f$#$#ing stole my comment! hahaha

March 5, 2009 at 7:59 PM

I also remember him in the role of Olivia’s half brother on Law and Order SVU.

March 6, 2009 at 2:58 AM

You have never seen Six Feet Under! You know how I know that? Because you didn’t mention his amazing role on that show. His character on that show was creepy beyond reason, a television horror that literally still frightens me.

The fact that he can play such different characters with ease proves your point though… he is a fabulous actor.

March 6, 2009 at 5:12 AM

I confess, I have not. I may just have to take it up in the summer when there’s less on TV. :)

March 6, 2009 at 1:17 PM

Nice, I just bought the whole series the other day when it was 70 bucks, I can’t wait to start.

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