CliqueClack TV

Do straight men like Rick Castle too?

nathan-fillionThe whole time I was watching the premiere of Castle, I was comparing it to Lie to Me. Lie to Me has become my new NOT favorite show, the show I now dread, the show I pick at because I have ceased to hope that I will like it. I realize that I am tasting my own bitterness because when I watched the Lie to Me pilot, I really liked it and had high hopes for the show. So, I am cautiously optimistic about Castle now.

I thoroughly enjoyed Castle. But I will say this: It doesn’t do anything new. And Lord knows, we have had enough shows about male/female crime-solving partnerships. Do we really need one more? I don’t know that we do, but I’ll tune in again.

One of the reasons I liked it, though, is that I kept thinking, “Who doesn’t like Nathan Fillion?” (Besides the manufactured dislike for him Detective Kate Beckett professes). However, his boyish good looks and charming sex appeal might work for some people, but do they work for straight men? Or do straight men just find him obnoxious? Granted, Stana Katic is there to provide eye candy for the men — given the fact that Castle is such a strong presence on the show, will the show work if men don’t like Fillion? Or if they don’t like the character of Rick Castle?

So, what do you think? Does everybody like Nathan Fillion, or is it just me?

Photo Credit: ABC

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11 Responses to “Do straight men like Rick Castle too?”

March 11, 2009 at 11:18 AM

I didn’t see the show, but what does being straight or gay have to do with anything in this instance? Is the main character gay? Why does that matter anyway? I’m not seeing the connection here.

March 11, 2009 at 11:48 AM

Me neither. I like those two guys on Supernatural based solely on a gag reel I saw and that “Eye of the Tiger” video (haven’t seen a single episode). I also like Luke from Gilmore Girls and Remington Steele as well as Colt Seavers and Magnum and both Rick and A.J. Simon.

And I’m still not gay.

When it comes to Doug Ross though… I’m so gay for Doug Ross…

March 11, 2009 at 3:35 PM

I think what she means is, is Nathan Fillion/Richard Castle just cute/sexy, so only people that are attracted to him like the character or is he a likeable character such that even straight dudes who are presumably not physically attracted to him like him too?

Even though I’m a straight girl, I think straight guys will like him because he’s a character that a lot of guys would like to be like. He’s kind of a bad boy, rich, successful, ladies man, etc. What dude wouldn’t want his life? So I think yes, straight guys will like him.

March 11, 2009 at 3:36 PM

Um, yeah I totally meant that reply to go to ricky, not Sebastian. :-)

March 11, 2009 at 11:50 AM

You left out lesbians! ;)

March 11, 2009 at 5:54 PM

I think straight guys will like him because he would be a fun guy to hang with – he’s sexy for the gals and gay guys, but still with enough oh-my-god-he’s-a-dumbass-man appeal to run the entire gamut of the sexes.

March 11, 2009 at 9:24 PM

My exact Facebook status “Adam is watching Nathan Fillion in yet another series. Someone give this man a regular gig already.” Nathan Fillion seems like a cool guy, and one of the few genuine people in Hollywood. Its hard not to wish success to the guy.

March 12, 2009 at 1:37 AM

I believe Fillion has many fans – both male and female – from his work on Firefly and Serenity. These fans (myself included) will probably love any character he plays.

March 12, 2009 at 3:21 AM

Like you I like “lie to Me”. I agree that “Castle” brings nothing new, but I will go as far as saying that it’s downright boring. They talk too much and they’re trying too hard. Plus, his daughter is annoying. Give his mom a show!

March 12, 2009 at 11:19 AM

I really enjoyed Castle and hope it does well and sticks around. I, too like Nathan Fillion and wish him success.

March 13, 2009 at 1:46 PM

I’ve only seen Stana Katic in “Curse Of The Judas Chalice” before this and I like her fine as an actress. But I wouldn’t be calling her eye candy. She’s average, but that’s in short supply in TV Land…..

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