CliqueClack TV

24 – The President’s daughter is a whore!

sprague_grayden_olivia_taylor_24On this week’s episode of 24, I couldn’t help but think how whore-ish the President’s daughter is. It’s amazing to me that she handled her mother’s Presidential campaign and yet, her mother has no clue about her daughter’s manipulative ways.

Olivia’s lack of conscience came back to bite her in the ass when Ken, the journalist, badgered national security intel out of her by threatening, “Think how your mother will feel if she hears that you forced out her chief of staff so you could take over his position.”

So what does she do? Gets even stupider and tells him about the bioweapon developed by Starkwood in Africa. And to keep him from running the story, she sleeps with him, only to find out afterwards that he plans to run the story anyway. That is, until she reveals that she taped their little sex romp on her phone camera and will send it to his wife if he runs the story.

Good grief. These people are both one step above the green slime at the bottom of the Potomac River. Something tells me that Aaron Pierce, the most honorable man on the planet next to Jack Bauer, will get snarled up in this.

Photo Credit: Fox

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3 Responses to “24 – The President’s daughter is a whore!”

April 8, 2009 at 11:48 AM

Eh, no big deal for me. I had gone into their meeting expecting her to fake being attacked, so this was a lot more forgivable than what I expected.

April 8, 2009 at 11:58 AM

Aaron Pierce will probably be the one to out her to the president as a bitch/whore. Like you said the man is too honorable to let this kind of stuff stay hidden.

April 8, 2009 at 4:23 PM

Sprague Grayden is in 24!?! Oh well, I already vowed to just wait until the DVD release, but that did get me “a flutter” …

… IN MY PANTS! High five! No? No?

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