CliqueClack TV

90210 – Donna’s back!


This is the episode that 90210 fans have been waiting for: Donna Martin‘s triumphant return to Beverly Hills. Well, I’m actually not sure if I’d call it triumphant. After all, she pretty much spent her time lamenting her previous lack of fashion success in L.A., mourning over her separation from David, and just being kind of a bad mother. Seriously: she and Kelly were at lunch; Silver was at her therapist; where was the baby? Won’t someone please think of the children?

It wasn’t all sadness and child-endangerment for Donna though: she also got to hang out with Oscar-winning screenwriter and completely random cameo, Diablo Cody, writer of the internationally beloved film, Teenage Mommy Girl. Cody apparently spends her lunch hour going up to strangers in conveyor-belt sushi restaurants and expressing her shopping frustrations, before demanding that they give her all their one-shouldered patterned dresses NOW.

To her credit, Donna doesn’t grab Cody’s hamburger cell phone and beat her to death with it. Although, that would have made for a much more interesting and karmically-appropriate episode. Instead, she and Diablo become BFFs.

I’ve mentioned before that I didn’t watch the original 90210 very often, so I’m not going to freak out over the original cast members’ appearances. However, I’ve kind of developed a soft spot for Tori Spelling ever since she started doing her Tori and Dean show on Oxygen, so I was glad to see her back.

The whole Diablo Cody storyline was key because it paved the way for Donna to move out of Japan and back to Beverly Hills. I’m for this, because it could end up making for some interesting storylines. The writers no doubt made Donna and David’s marriage fail because Brian Austin Green hasn’t shown any interest in making an appearance on the show. However, with The Sarah Connor Chronicles about to be canceled, he may find himself with some extra time on his hands, and what 90210 fan wouldn’t want to see Donna and David back together and in their home town?

The only problem is that 90210 has been trying to focus more on the teenagers instead of the original cast members as of late, so they may not want to devote precious screen time to Donna and David, when Annie can scrunch her face and awkwardly genuflect through the halls of West Beverly High.

There is, however, going to be the new Melrose Place, which is already going to have Ryan Matthews as a character. Why not add a few 90210 alums as well? Although, Donna and David in a Beverly Hills apartment complex doesn’t make much sense, maybe they can own the building? I don’t know, I’m just spitballin’ here.

What do you guys think? Should Donna and David come back to 90210, move to Melrose Place, or just go away all together?

Photo Credit: CW

Categories: | 90210 | Episode Reviews | General |

3 Responses to “90210 – Donna’s back!”

April 16, 2009 at 3:34 PM

Pretty sure BAG is committed to the CW political pilot, the Body Politic.

But a cameo would be alright.

April 16, 2009 at 4:20 PM

I thought this episode was AWFUL. NO comment on the blatant Dr pepper ads?? I hated it.

April 17, 2009 at 4:40 AM

i think BAG should stay away! they should renew tscc or let him be the gren lantern, but he should run as far away as possible from this.

also, i can stand the girl who plays annie. i just watched the dead like me movie & she was in it & i just wanted her to die or something. take this annoying girl off the show.

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