CliqueClack TV

Quotation Marks – This column is devaluing my fame

greekMan, television has been sparse since Memorial Day. How sparse? I’ve found myself watching I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! … on more than one occasion. Yes, yes, I hate myself. Let’s move on. Anyway, this week we have some Speidi antics, television vs. having friends, relationships, and virgin diaries. As always, feel free to leave your favorite quotes from the week in the comments.


“Dale’s at a barn-raising this weekend, trying to convert some Amish people.” – Rusty

“God, I missed a lot of great television by having friends. It’s a shame.” – Cappie

I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!

“This cast is devaluing my fame.” – Spencer Pratt

“He said he wasn’t gonna pass the psych test.” – Heidi Pratt

“I don’t care; I just like to hear Bible verses as I wash up.” – Spencer Pratt

The Colbert Report

“Sheik condoms, or as they they call them, penis burkas. They’re ribbed for the pleasure that she’s not legally allowed to admit experiencing.” – Stephen Colbert

Pushing Daisies

“Oh my god, I’m that girl. I’m that girl in high school who’s afraid of real relationships so she’s always attracted to guys in college… or Canada.” – Olive

Super Bonus Virgin Diary Quotes!

As you may have noticed, since there isn’t a whole lot on TV at the moment, we’ve been delving into some shows that we may have missed the first time around. So for the summer, we’re going to be adding some classic quotes to Quotation Marks. This week, we have some good stuff from Supernatural.


Sam: “I had a weird dream.”
Dean: “Yeah? Clowns or midgets?”

“Does anyone have a breath mint? Some guts got in my mouth while I was killing my way in here.” – Ruby

“You gotta go be gay for that poor dead intern. You gotta send him into the light.” – Harry

Photo Credit: ABC Family

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