CliqueClack TV

Army Wives rolls the dice of predictability and boredom

army wives castWhat were the odds that Army Wives would improve by the second episode of season three? If you had slim to none in the pool, you’re awash in whatever medium you used for your wager.

The threads of each wife’s various storyline needed to be picked up and run with, resulting in another hour of disappointment, courtesy of Lifetime’s hit series. Although, while I’m no more impressed with this second outing than I was the first, there was an inkling of something that reminded me of days of old. What that was, I couldn’t for the life of me articulate, but suffice it to say that there’s still hope.

Oh, Denise (Catherine Bell). What a hole you’ve dug for yourself. What a year you’ve had. As guaranteed as eleven follows ten, we could all see drama in Frank’s (Terry Serpico) request to lead a black ops mission in Iraq. What I’d like to know is what a Major is doing out in the field on an active basis, but I profess to knowing little enough about the army that I have no idea whether my question has any basis in reality.

So, of course, with the news of Denise’s betrayal, came the news that Frank’s squad was caught in a mess. Just as inevitable was the fact that none of Denise’s friends would be able to see past their anger at her to be able to be there for her in her hour of need. Instead, there she was, home alone, worrying by herself that Frank would go to his grave still feeling the pain of her deceit. And, it also wasn’t any surprise that he made it out okay; not that I would have preferred it any other way, but why watch a show that you could have written yourself?

However, there was no natural progression to Roxy (Sally Pressman) and Pamela’s (Brigid Brannagh) anger with Denise. It made sense, but we never saw it coming. I imagine there’s a deleted scene or two in there for the DVD extras, but it would have been nice to see the evolution air on TV.

Roxy faces yet another problem as a businesswomen: back taxes and penalties. I don’t want to get into the legalities of it, but Betty (Patricia French) ran the Hump Bar as a sole proprietorship, which means that all legal obligations were passed in their entirety through the establishment to her own estate. In other words, no future owner would be responsible for them unless they had achieved their ownership status as an heir of Betty’s. Sure, her estate owes back taxes and penalties, but Roxy does not. What’s her aversion to doing a little research once in a while?

And, what’s with the newest introduction, Viola (actress?)? Do the writers really think that they should be opening up a whole new avenue for Roxy to pursue? Besides being the weakest link, she has about 1,000 things to clean up in her current life before exploring something new. As little a Trevor (Drew Fuller) fan as I am, he doesn’t deserve the trouble that Roxy translates into. Damn it; where’s Chase (Jeremy Davidson)?!?

Claudia Joy (Kim Delaney) is making some huge mistakes with Emmalin (Katelyn Pippy), namely letting her run around completely unchecked. She has the audacity to complain about the mess that is now their house? It’s all her fault! Claudia Joy should take a page from Jeremy’s (Richard Bryant) book and punch Emmalin upside the head. Come on! How about a little parenting? And, are we seriously only going to get Michael (Brian McNamara) via video-conference? I’d gladly give him half the show for boring NATO crap … he’s awesome!

Speaking of parenting, though, just as expected as Denise’s arc was Roland’s (Sterling K. Brown) growing frustration at his lot in life. But, again, I have to ask: where was the progression? Last season he was ecstatic with his choice to stay at home with the baby. Now because an old classmate of his is on the cover of his alumni magazine, he’s wasting his life away? I hate to say it, but maybe the wives should be an all-girls club.

My hope is that these issues are as obvious to the writers as they are to us, because Army Wives is not something I’m ready to give up. A quick retool and redirection is possible, but only if someone over there wakes up to the fact that things aren’t working.

Let’s hope there are plenty of off-ramps up ahead, all of which lead back to season one land. It’s good for what ails you.

Photo Credit: Lifetime

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