CliqueClack TV

I’ve got no sympathy for Entourage’s Turtle

Turtle in Farari

I think I was wrong when I thought I figured out the reason behind Turtle’s rant on Seth Rogen in last week’s episode of Entourage. Rather than it being a statement about the media’s reaction to Jerry Ferrara‘s relationship with Jamie-Lynn Sigler, I see it more as a lead-in to this episode. While Turtle’s saying “WTF” about Seth Rogen, after last night’s episode I’m definitely saying “WTF” about Turtle.

Let’s go over what Turtle’s birthday consisted of:

– Gourmet breakfast made for him while he hung out with friends on the patio of a posh Los Angeles home.

– Stepping into a walk-in closet in that same house that’d make a woman green with envy. Picks from hundreds of flashy and expensive hats and sneakers.

– A morning of racing exotic sports cars with the same buds, capped off with being handed the keys to a $250k Ferrari as a gift.

– Cocktails on the same patio with same friends, hitting off a few puffs from a joint, then being summoned by his hot actress girlfriend….

– ….who just bought him a brand-new Porsche as a birthday present.

– Walks unquestioned into one of the hottest talent agencies in Los Angeles to ask one of the agency heads for help, and he gets his ear.

– Free dinner with same friends and girlfriend at a hot L.A. restaurant, including four bottles of said restaurant’s most expensive wine.

– Gets his education paid for.

In the middle of all of that, Turtle whines because he doesn’t like being handed stuff. Seriously, after all these years, now he decides he doesn’t like being handed shit? What has Turtle done for Vince besides being his “good luck charm?” The least he could do is beef up and be Vince’s security.

Sorry writers, but I can’t figure out one reason why we’re supposed to feel bad for this guy.

Photo Credit: HBO

3 Responses to “I’ve got no sympathy for Entourage’s Turtle”

July 27, 2009 at 6:04 PM

Entourage is TV-candy, its not supposed to be good, it’s not supposed to be smart or creative or groundbreaking or logical. It’s 20-odd minutes of hot chicks and nice toys. It’ll be syndicated to the UPN or whatever channel shows like Baywatch end up on.

July 27, 2009 at 7:48 PM

Actually they are sticking the re-runs on Spike-TV so you aren’t far off.

July 28, 2009 at 9:11 AM

Yeah… told you so. I mean when bsgfan2003 asked for character development and we discussed possible storylines for Turtle, the whole Seth Rogen thing seemed to be a foreshadowing of sorts. It was obvious they would bring up Turtle again. I mean it’s already a bit idiotic they stuck E with an african american actor/writer after Turtle pushed a black rapper and a line of sneakers. Biggest mistake yet to me, done by the writers, was not to have Turtle hit it off with the daughter of the auto shop guy. They seemed to be a perfect fit. Sunday’s episode underlined that – basically Turtle is dating a female version of Vinnie. Now he’s stuffed from too ends, with even Jhonny looking better than him. Must be disappointing to no end and I think they handled it all pretty well sticking Turtle back into some kind of school to make something out of himself. Maybe he’ll lose as much weight as Seth Rogen?

On the other hand… I guess the quote by Seth Rogen was actually his quote (so no the punchline was character-driven last week but the guy running the show might actually still be an asshole) because at SDCC a fan asked Kevin Smith about Entourage and Kevin basically replied with the same story he told on “Threevening” but with an added “(name of the showrunner) is an asshole” added to that. Which sounded a lot like Seth Rogen’s quote – so I guess Smith read that and it must be so true that he basically quoted Seth Rogen because it was true. So (I guess) I was wrong there saying that that must’ve been a misquote. I still think Seth is too intelligent to think a joke about his self in “Knocked Up” would hit anywhere near home considering his current looks.

Anyway, like JD said, Entourage is eyecandy and like E first saying his GF is a bitch and then sticking with her at the end of the episode just underlines how fleeting everything in Hollywood is – contracts, roles in a pilot, happiness when you don’t make your own money and get “stuck” with two brand new supercars… you name it.

I just hope this time Turtle makes it big after going to school for a while. I mean nothing’s less interesting than a show full of winners but Turtle always getting the short end of the stick is becoming kind of boring. It’s time for a wedding I think.

Best line of the week by 50 Cent asking Turtle about driving his daddy’s car. I laughed :-)

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