CliqueClack TV

Reality Clack – Big Brother 11, So You Think You Can Dance

Lydia from BB11 in a Mia Michaels lookNo, it’s not Mia Michaels from So You Think You Can Dance in this image. It’s actually Lydia, from Big Brother 11, looking very much like Mia. I don’t think Lydia can dance, though. And, I can’t say for sure, but I don’t think Mia has a ton of tattoos.

They do have one thing in common: I’m not really all that enamored with either of them. Perhaps Mia Michaels has fantastic talent, and a vision far beyond my own, when it comes to dance. However, I just think how mean she was to Brandon in the beginning of this season. She has corrected herself since, but she initially seemed intent on crushing a young guy’s dreams. That’s so not cool.

As with most summers, because I cover the Big Brother 11 live feeds, my life seems to be all BB, from dawn to way past dusk. I’ve found over the years that the hamsters really don’t sleep. This group doesn’t really drink to excess, not that I advocate that. Alcohol-fueled brouhahas are always fun for the house.

This week, the show made Ronnie look like the martyr, the hero, the Star Wars geek, and a dubious puppet master. Jessie once again was idolized, especially by the female hamsters, as he won “Head of Household” once again. Laura, whose smile creeped me out, but had strategy, got the boot due to Ronnie’s lies. Lies were cool with Dr. Will, but not Ronnie so much. He just comes across as a cheap, nerdy imitation of Dr. Will. Make him stop.

Over on So You Think You Can Dance, they’re down to six. Jason and Janette went home. Now, I know I never vote on these shows, but America got this one so wrong, at least when it comes to Janette. She was my favorite female dancer on the show. I demand a recount! As for Jason, I really enjoyed him, but I do think that Brandon and Ade are better dancers. I don’t really get the Evan-mania at all.

I know I said that Mia Michaels (personality-wise) does nothing for me. But there’s a bigger issue on that judges’ podium; poor Ellen Degeneres got the full blast of Mary Murphy’s vocal explosions this past week. I like the idea of a hot tamale train, but I sure don’t want it blasted in my ear. Indoor voice, please. At least Nigel is fun!

Yes, I realize Hell’s Kitchen started up again this past week. I’m going to have to catch up with that one on the website. Are you watching?

Photo Credit: CBS/RealNetworks

One Response to “Reality Clack – Big Brother 11, So You Think You Can Dance”

August 8, 2009 at 2:02 PM

YOU RAWK Jackie! I have finally found your posts here again.. there’s no writing like yours!

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