CliqueClack TV

Being Human – There goes the neighborhood


So much for assimilating seamlessly into normal society. Mitchell, George and Annie are beginning to discover that despite their best efforts, it’s impossible to avoid life’s pitfalls and complications. Annie has gone all poltergeist since finding out Owen murdered her. George’s relationship with Nina is getting serious — too serious for his liking. Mitchell is being urged by Herrick to return to the nest, but he isn’t ready to give in. Needless to say, matters are getting a tad messy in Bristol manor.

Mitchell was in the spotlight throughout the episode. Befriending young Bernie seemed harmless at first, but I had a feeling it would end badly. Bowling and pigging out on junk food aren’t typical vampire behavior. Mitchell tried his best to be a big brother to Bernie. Alas, letting the young lad runoff with the snuff flick was probably the worst offense imaginable, besides killing him.

Mobs rule. Spraying “peedos” and “pervs” all over the property was my favorite act of vandalism. Followed closely by mailing an envelope of fresh feces. George’s assessment of the situation was classic: “We are monsters. We deserve to be cast out.” Wanting to be human and actually pulling it off are two completely different things. Well, I’ll say this. Getting evicted from your place is very people-like. So at least they got that going for them.

The moral dilemma at the end was easily the best sequence in the series thus far. If you were Bernie’s mum, what would you have done? I wonder if Mitchell turned him out of guilt, or if he really believed he was helping. The poor kid will end up like the little girl vamp in Let the Right One In. If you haven’t seen that movie, I highly recommend it; very cool and extremely weird.

The first season of Being Human is speeding toward a conclusion. Only two episodes remain. Looks like Mitchell is heading back to Herrick’s brood. I surmise that won’t sit too well with George and Annie. Plenty of questions have yet to be answered. Will Annie get her vengeance on Owen? Can George and Nina make their unorthodox coupling work? We shall see.

Photo Credit: BBC America

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

One Response to “Being Human – There goes the neighborhood”

August 17, 2009 at 12:35 AM

The boy saying “Mum, I’m hungry.” at the end was so heartwrenching. Either the boy ends up like Herrick or faces an eternity of being like Mitchell. Life can’t get much harder than that.

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