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Leverage – Anyone else seeing double?


“Chaos, I heard you were in jail. I guess I was wrong. ” – Hardison
“Hardison, I heard you sucked. I guess I was right.” – Chaos (played by Wil Wheaton)

Nope, you’re not in the Bizarro World, but you’re close. And that guy Chaos? Not Bizarro Jerry, but Bizarro Hardison … or is that Wil Wheaton? It’s pretty hard to keep track, but I’m sure Eliot didn’t turn into a woman, though Parker may be sporting a hat now….

I can’t tell you how much fun I had watching the Bizarro team take on Team Leverage. And if you were like me, you had the fear, even just for a moment, that Team Leverage just might be bested this time.

That was not to be, but even if it went that way, it would have made for a fabulous episode. And you know there’d have to be a follow-up episode, reuniting both teams so that Team Leverage would exact their revenge and come out on top. Yep, that would have made a great episode.

But the episode that was … was amazing. And it was the editing and directing that made it extra-great for me. Scenes like Eliot and his nemesis fighting in their minds, or their second fight that ended in a steamy (literal) kiss. And how about Chaos and Hardison’s computer showdown? Nate and Stark briefing their teams on how the con was going to be played was also priceless. The reason these scenes were just a cut above was the direction. They were shot and edited to perfection, and the timing was impeccable. This quality made it such a tight episode.

Other great moments:

  • Parker not quite getting that Sophie wasn’t really dead
  • Parker’s flipping through the lasers, Catherine Zeta-Jones style
  • Parker’s instant pudding trick with the bomb … oh so MacGyver, or perhaps more Mike Westen
  • Stark posing as Nate the insurance guy, and getting all the museum blueprints
  • Eliot and his nemesis comparing scars, and realizing she may have caused one of his
  • Star Trek reference to the Kobayashi Maru test, an obvious shout-out to Wil Wheaton’s guest appearance
  • The way Team Leverage screwed over Chaos, with the paintings as his checked luggage

If you want to hear more about this episode of Leverage, straight from Chaos’s mouth, read my interview with Wil Wheaton about Leverage, Star Trek and being an action figure.

Photo Credit: TNT

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Leverage | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Leverage – Anyone else seeing double?”

August 27, 2009 at 9:51 AM

I’m sorry, but are we watching the same show because this season has pretty much sucked rocks. The writing is awful, the plots are contrived (not to mention the over the top acting), and we’ve reduced a team of brilliant thieves and masterminds to the A-team.

Dean Devlin, if you read these comments, please take back control of your show. What I waited with bated breath to watch live during the first season, has fallen to “when I get to it on the DVR” status. I want to like this show again; I really do. Please make that happen.

August 27, 2009 at 10:17 AM

And another thing:

“Parker’s instant pudding trick with the bomb … oh so MacGyver, or perhaps more Mike Westen”

What? They couldn’t slide a table up to Sophie so she could gently place the stupid pudding flowers on it? No, she had to throw it in the air and blow up her apartment. My cats write better than this.

So no, NOT like Michael Westen. Not even close.

August 27, 2009 at 11:39 AM

Well, I don’t know what Fray was watching, but I’m with Debbie. I loved it!

August 27, 2009 at 8:01 PM

Love, love, LOVE Leverage!! I thought this was a fun episode that had me holding my breath to see if our team would go down. One question though…big deal made at the funeral of “Catherine” but at the end Catherine/Sophie was staring at a tombstone that said “Sophie”? Did I miss something there?

Oh, and, Debbie, I really enjoy your reviews too!

August 29, 2009 at 9:12 PM

Thanks! :-)

I missed that thing about the grave… hope someone can fill us in!

August 28, 2009 at 8:37 AM

I am a huge Leverage fan and want the show to succeed but I agree with Fray. Although still somewhat entertaining it’s more of an A-Team feel than Leverage season one.

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