CliqueClack TV

Greek – Undie Run for everyone

Greek episode 3.3 Beaver

I’m excited about just how excellent I’m finding Greek already this time around! Particularly after the disappointment of chapter four, but mainly just because this show being awesome is awesome. I’m loving things so far. I don’t know what last time’s bump was about, but it’s over!

I liked the structure of this week’s episode: two major story lines — Casey’s and Rusty’s — with most everyone else on the show feeding off of their plots. Then, of course, rounding out the hour was the continuation of some minor stories. But really, the funneling of most of the show’s resources into two main areas was done rather well.

I didn’t even realize that “Gotcha” was still going on, but apparently Rusty was still alive, and pulled off a stealth kill of Calvin. Which, by the way, freed the latter to pursue one of the few minor arcs this week. Meanwhile, Rusty landed Jordan as his next kill, and I knew at that point that she was the storied “Jackal.”

The arc drew in the KTs, Rebecca, and some ancillary figures. Rusty’s secret for surviving this long? A good start is that at least Beaver (Aaron Hill) had “never heard of any of those places” that polymer science dictates that Rusty spend all of his time. I guess science’s good for something!

The situation was complicated by the fact that Jordan and Rusty were trying to have sex for the first time — although, I don’t get how Rusty equates their lack of sex after all of two months as a possibility that they’re slipping back into the “friends zone.” Cappie’s advice? “Kill her, then have sex with her; it’s the Kappa Tau way.” Well, you know what he means.

Cappie bursting out from behind the shades and diving to save Rusty from being shot was awesome. So was the setup for the ambush, although Rusty’s execution was horrible. I liked the Mr. & Mrs. Smith –esque scene when Rusty and Jordan met for dinner, but Rusty is weak, man. He should not have let himself be killed. Like Cappie said, “Spitters hunt jackals.” Although, according to a trash-talking Rebecca, “You’re [Rusty] like Dick Cheney, and she’s a quail.” Either way, will Rusty’s new nickname stick? I kinda like “Chicken Legs 1″ better than “Spitter.”

The other main story was Casey’s campaign to save the Undie Run. It may be silly, but why she felt at all badly about what she was fighting for was kind of dumb. Good for her for turning it into a charity event, but there’s nothing about fighting to keep a tradition, no matter how strange, that she should feel less-than about.

It was good to see Casey and Evan get some screen time again, even if she was just seeking his help with her fight. I forgot that, as characters, they’re good together. The Undie Run dominated the ZBZ story line, and it was hilarious that the girls were starving themselves for it. Was it to be in shape for the run, or to look good in their underwear?

The rest of the episode’s time was mainly spent on Calvin, and his quest for some quiet date time with Grant (Gregory Michael) — which was inexplicably interrupted, over and over again, by Evan. Drive sixty minutes from campus, and what do you find? The former heir playboy working as a server, sixty minutes from where anyone will recognize him. That’s tough … for both of them.

Still batting .269. Nothing changed from the premiere; Dale was missing this week, but he’s 2 for 3 so far. However, #s 1 and 12 look ripe to come true….

Oh, and how impressed were you at how big a role Heath (Zack Lively) had this week? He wasn’t the source of humor here, but he was on the listening end of Cappie’s great line: “We haven’t had a debate this lively since, ‘what’s the difference between a chipmunk and a squirrel?’.”

Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

8 Responses to “Greek – Undie Run for everyone”

September 15, 2009 at 4:11 PM

I taped last weeks, and then taped over it, so here is to hoping this weeks episode is twice as awesome as normal. :)

September 15, 2009 at 4:39 PM

Taped, like taped?… ;)

Full episodes still on the show’s site, all the way back to season one.

September 16, 2009 at 11:37 AM

Being that it’s an ABC website I just assumed the video player doesn’t ever work. lol

And taped with this thingie called a VCR, it’s not even 30 years old, you stick a tape in and record stuff. Costs about 1/10 of a DVR. :-p

September 16, 2009 at 5:57 PM

I think they use a different program. Actually, I had fun watching the pilot there recently.

Taped with a who? :-)

September 15, 2009 at 10:39 PM

What the hell was with that chicks voice at Pan Hallenic (or whatever its called)? I just wanted to hit her! (president chick)

awesome ep & Rusty sucks at Nerf shooting! I’m glad they aren’t making Jordan a boring character. I’m actually rooting for her & Rusty.

My roommate & I had a week long war at home once. it rocked. I cheated by relaunching all of his darts with my paintball gun. they just fit so nice in the barrel.

September 16, 2009 at 5:54 PM

Everything about her was off. Why is she such an angry person, and how does that personality fit into a sorority, of all places? I’d hate to see what her house is like.

Sounds like fun; was this in college, or beyond? I could see the pluses of both … sneak attack outside (or inside) of class, versus carrying a nerf gun to the office with you, and the embarrassing moment when your boss sees it. ;)

September 20, 2009 at 10:05 PM

I love Evan and Casey : they work pretty well together, their facial expressions to exprim the awkward situation in the elevator were really good (good acting).
Cappie : awesome.
Jordan : better than before.
Like Calvin and Grant.

September 21, 2009 at 2:16 PM

I don’t know; I feel like Grant is just a plot point for Calvin, as opposed to having been considered as a serious relationship, the way everyone else’s are. If they were doing that for Calvin, instead of just throwing him stories, I think he’d be dating Heath.

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