CliqueClack TV

Heroes – A little direction would be nice


We’re now three hours in to the final fourth season of Heroes, and the plot still seems in the very early formation stages. Another new character was introduced in this episode and we got to spend some more time with Samuel Sullivan, the ink man. Unfortunately, I have no idea what purpose either are serving. Sure, there is a good amount of intrigue surrounding both of them, but a little direction wouldn’t hurt either.

Mystery is a good thing, believe me, I’m the guy who can’t get enough of the slow burn on Lost, but I feel as if I’m completely in the dark for this season, and that’s not a good thing. After three hours, the motivations for the circus folk is completely unclear. Heck, I’m not even sure if they’re going to end up being villains or good guys at this point, or if it even really matters.

As for the new girl, Emma, she seems interesting, and I’m a curious as to how she is going to play into the season. It seems like her power is to “see” sound, which is pretty neat I suppose, and especially awesome considering that she is deaf, but how is that going to be useful in a crime-stopping situation? I have to assume that there is more to it than that. Were other people able to see the light show that was being produced when she was playing the Cello in the park? I didn’t get the sense that they did.

Some theories were thrown around in the live chat tonight about the Sullivan brothers. Could they be recruiting heroes for something? If you saw the spoiler-filled preview after last week’s finale (or you read the rest of this sentence), you already know that Gretchen is working for Sullivan as well, obviously staking out Claire. A little bit of motivation would go a long way right about now, though. If they need these heroes on their team, why? If they want them dead, why? If I’m supposed to be interested in the new characters, why? It’s hard for me to get very excited when nothing is clear. Is anyone else struggling with this?

How are you feeling about this new season so far? Too slow? Not enough Mohinder? Too much Claire?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Heroes – A little direction would be nice”

September 28, 2009 at 10:43 PM

If you are expecting direction from your TV show shows than HEROES really isn’t the show for you.

September 29, 2009 at 2:06 AM

Given the “sinkhole”, I’m thinking the carnival folks are NOT good guys…

September 30, 2009 at 4:06 PM

Not enough Mohinder

October 2, 2009 at 12:32 PM

Thrilled that Mohinder is not around. He’s been a completely annoying and pointless character since the 1st ep of Season 2.

Too much whiny Matt Parkman. Could he be any more insecure about everything. I feel like they give all these characters great powers but then we’re forced to watch them sit around and whine and not use their powers. This is now how you keep viewers for a show about superheroes.

I’m finding myself caring more about the deaf lady than any of the original heroes…not a very good sign.

October 14, 2009 at 4:13 AM

Did you see season 3? Now that was lacking direction. This season is brilliant compared to that disaster.

November 29, 2009 at 3:23 PM

101 reasons why Heroes sucks:

I’ll get you started. Most of these are from season 3.

1. With few exceptions none of these people have paying jobs: Mohinder, Maya, etc. Maya keeps visiting Mohinder, but from where? In season 2 she was in flight from South America, where does she live now, and where does she get the money to buy all those fresh, hot outfits?

2. Some work for The Company, but where does The Company get it’s money? Does it produce anything, serve any sector of the economy?

3. Why would Sylar suddenly submit to being encarcerated after finding out who his mother is? He just got done torturing Claire for her power, now suddenly he’s trying to go straight? WTF?

4. Why would Sylar voluntarily spend what appears to be days on end in an austere concrete cell, no TV, no radio, no outside contact? What does he do in there hour after hours, sleep? Reminds me of those stupid pods the Cylon leaders would sit in all day long on the original Battlestar Galacta. Just a way for the writers to warehouse the character until they need to trot him out again!

5. Hiro and Ando spend days trying to track down 1/2 of a formula, and then when someone mentions the second half, Ando asks, “There’s another half?” What the heck do you think “half ” means you half wit!?

6. Excaped villains kill two people at a gas station, then Peter calls his brother and tells him he’s afraid these people might hurt someone! Huh?

7. Mohinder spends two seasons trying to figure out the origin of the powers, then suddenly thinks he figures it out in one day in season 3? Then injects himself without any testing? He used to be a scientist!

8. An African hermit replaces the artist from season one. He’s African and yet he paints comic-book-style pictures using self-made materials from the desert? Whouldn’t he paint more to the style of his own culture?

9. That same African man starts talking about vision quests and spirit guides. That’s Native American folklore you idiots!

10. I especially hate Nathan Patreli. This guy is manipulated in the first season into nearly destroying New York City, then in Season 3 he suddenly finds God and has visitations from a, what, a spectre of his imagination or a ghost or something? Guy’s about as weak as they come!

That’s just 10 and I’m only warming up! Anyone else?

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