CliqueClack TV

Heroes – Things may be getting interesting


It’s clear that Heroes is trying to address some of the criticisms of the past few seasons. The most obvious is that only a handful of characters are appearing in each episode, with others sitting them out so that the focus isn’t spread quite as thin as usual. That, however, leads to another problem: momentum. There were some interesting things going on last week, namely the introduction of a new character, Emma, and some movement with the mysterious Samuel. Instead of building on that momentum, however, both those characters were pretty much absent this week.

I hate to pick on the show for trying to improve, I really do, but I just don’t think this change is working like they hoped it would.

Anyway, onto the events of this week’s installment.

Let’s talk about the last five minutes, because aside from that, I don’t have much positive to say about this episode. It looks like Sylar is back, or at the very least his body is. In fact, looking at the previews, it appears that Nathan’s confused and fuzzy persona is still trapped inside Sylar’s body, while Sylar’s mind is still torturing Matt. I’m very hopeful that this turn of plot is going to make for some interesting television.

I did enjoy the performance of Swoosie Kurtz in this episode, especially in the final scene when it became clear that she put a hit out on Nathan. It’s probably asking for a little too much to want her character to stick around for a bit and give Angela a run for her money. They certainly didn’t set up the character to continue into more episodes, but she seemed to be as cold and conniving as the Patrelli matriarch. It appears that her story was wrapped up.

What I would really like to see, though, is a sense of urgency. The show has never moved at a blistering pace, but I had hopes that this season would be a little different after so much criticism last year. With four hours passed, however, I have to believe that some bigger things are in store for us. Call me overly optimistic, but I need to believe that right now. This show has too much potential to completely degrade into episodes filled with Hiro saving cats and traveling back in time to prevent coworkers from Xeroxing their butts.

Are you losing patience with Heroes? Have you bid it adieu already? How long do you think we can go without seeing Mohinder?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

One Response to “Heroes – Things may be getting interesting”

October 5, 2009 at 10:27 PM

I thought there were some good moments within a pretty blah episode, but I will continue to watch because I am committed to the show.

The last 10 minutes were definitely the best and I’m interesting in where it is all headed. Just wish we were in on it a little more.

I won’t comment on when Mohinder is returning because I looked it up last week. But, I don’t really miss him, so I hope he comes back with a bang.

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