CliqueClack TV

Cameron killed Darth Vader on House

House season 6 episode 4

[Spoiler alert] My esteemed colleague Deb McDuffee buys that Chase really killed Dibala, (the mass murdering f*ck played by the always-marvelous James Earl Jones) on House this week. Oh no no no. It was Cameron. And this is how they are going to get rid of Jennifer Morrison.

It makes perfect sense: Cameron was told (by Dibala) to make a choice, that she doesn’t have the courage of her convictions, so she decided that he was going to die.

But even if I didn’t know that Morrison was leaving the show, I would think it was Cameron rather than Chase. She has killed before.

Does anybody remember the episode in season 3, episode 3, “Informed Consent” (coincidence, when this was also episode three) when House went to find Cameron in the hospital chapel, because he knows that she has killed a patient, only mercifully that time? Is it three years ago? Was that foreshadowing? It certainly establishes that Cameron is capable of taking a life and still functioning, and Ezra Powell, the researcher Cameron pumped full of morphine, was an unethical person too.

So, how do I explain Chase’s reaction to learning from Foreman that his signature was on the morgue form? I think he is covering for Cameron. Chase figured out that Cameron faked the tests and then argued to give President Dibala the treatment that killed him. If it was Cameron who did this, it’s both awesome and absolutely horrifying. I can’t wait to find out. And that, my friends, is good television.

Photo Credit: Michael Yarish/FOX

Categories: | Clack | House | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Cameron killed Darth Vader on House”

October 7, 2009 at 1:47 PM

I voted for Foreman because he’s a dumbass of a character. :)

I think the guy would have died anyways, but that everyone will think someone killed him. Then for a big twist House really did kill the asshole. :)

Plus foreshadowing? On House? Really? REALLY?! I doubt they had this storyline plotted out three months ago let alone 3 years ago.

October 7, 2009 at 1:56 PM

Oh, I don’t think they planned this far in advance. I am completely with you on that. Preaching to the choir. However, perhaps when the realized what night it would air after they thought of it, they included that line as a little clue?

Too much credit to the writers?

Yeah, you’re probably right.

October 7, 2009 at 2:23 PM

I actually think it was Cameron. Chase wouldn’t do it because he’s Mr. Seminary. That’s why he was in the locker room, all hunched over, because he was wrenched with guilt as to how to handle what happens next. Obviously, he wouldn’t rat out his wife…he’s gotta be the martyr.

October 7, 2009 at 3:31 PM

SERIOUSLY? A spoiler that says “the patient dies” in the TITLE of the post? Come on, it just aired this week! Please don’t put major spoilers like this in the titles. Those of us with DVRs may take a few days to get to the episode. And many of us read your RSS feed. I can easily avoid posts where spoilers appear in the text, but I can’t avoid spoiler TITLES. Thanks.

October 7, 2009 at 4:39 PM

How can simply reading that title be a spoiler? I mean, everyone knows Emperor Palpatine killed Darth Vader.

Oops … did I ruin that for you too?

October 7, 2009 at 10:53 PM

I knew that James Earl Jones was the guest star patient, so it’s kind of obvious.

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