CliqueClack TV

Webisode Clack – The Scare Game


It’s that time of year kids. Halloween is right around the corner. And in my little world that means horror movies. Lots of them. With blood by the bucketful. You can’t just jump right in to a crazy Friday The 13th marathon without warming up though. You might pull something. Thankfully, the fine folks over at Uncanny Entertainment are hard at work on the perfect pre-bloodbath prep. That would be The Scare Game. The show is a horror comedy from writer/director Phil Hughes, and for fans of horror, it has the potential to be a very fun ride.

The story revolves around a group of friends that play the game from the title, always trying to up the ante when it comes to scaring/murdering each other. In that regard, there’s a lot to like. The first episode hits on many of the classic horror bits. The hot girl in the very steamy shower …  the masked killer … the frantic call to 911 … boobies. It’s all there. But that only hints at what is to come from the series. Later, a quirky librarian with a strange and dangerous past will arrive, dropping the gang in the middle of a mystery “that may lead them down a path they can never return from.” Who doesn’t like that? The world would be a lot more interesting with more quirky, strange, and dangerous librarians, right?

The first episode goes live today on the official The Scare Game website.  Phil Hughes tells me that the release schedule isn’t finalized, but his hope is to get to doing two episodes a month for the first 13 episodes. Also be sure and take a look at the Scare Game Youtube page for some behind the scenes footage, and an oddly disturbing how-to video on pumpkin carving. Here’s the first teaser for the show.

I should note that if you watch the show on the official site it qualifies as NSFW. If that’s a concern, head over to the Youtube channel to watch.

And, boobies.

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One Response to “Webisode Clack – The Scare Game”

October 15, 2009 at 1:13 PM

That’s an excellent write up sir.

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