CliqueClack TV

The Vampire Diaries – Typical plot, or is something fresh a-coming?


Typical teenage angst annoys me. Seriously, it’s typical plot #6 when girl won’t listen to guy, and I just don’t get it. First of all, it’s been done, and done to death. And why, oh why, would Elena (in this instance) not want to hear Stefan out? Who cares if she’s mad at him, doesn’t trust him, is afraid of him, whatever — doesn’t she possess any human curiosity whatsoever?

I’m glad she finally decided to hear him out and that they didn’t drag it on, but then Elena threatening that she can’t promise to keep the secret? That would be typical plot #7. I would have loved to see something fresh done here instead. Although fresh would have been weak, weak Bella from Twilight, simply trusting in Edward blindly, allowing herself to be possessed. Could The Vampire Diaries have found a good balance?

I was still left a little annoyed, but basically satisfied until the very, very end when Elena jumped to typical plot #8 and told Stefan she couldn’t be with him. Shall we place an over/under on how many episodes it will take Elena to change her mind and decide she can be with Stefan after all? Typical plot #9 will occur in 2 episodes, is my educated guess.

Here I am, sitting on my high horse, the one I decided to occupy after I guessed that Katherine was the vamp that turned both the brothers Salvatore … I’m kind of awesome. Keith took it one step further and wondered if Elena is actually somehow Katherine, and a vamp, and she doesn’t know it yet but witchy voodoo or whatever made her that way. Now book readers, don’t spoil it for us!

Damon and Vicki = yuck! Whoever does the sound effects for this show needs to know that we don’t need the over-exaggerated sucking and slurping sounds to get that Damon is drinking someone’s blood. It is unrealistic (I know this because of all the vampires I’ve watched suck someone’s blood, of course) and just distasteful. As was the lame, lame dance scene with Damon and Vicki.

I am, however, anxious to see where Vicki’s vampirism takes her. I can see her becoming a giant pain in the ass, much like Lauren on Being Human, and ending up with a similar fate as she did … just wanting to be dead and getting her wish.

So far, I’m not really feeling the team of hunters have it together. They need some lessons from the Scooby Gang or the Winchester brothers, because they are not yet a force to be reckoned with. I’m thinking we need more witchcraft involved here to give us something to really battle with. Oh Bonnie? I think Caroline’s mom wants to see you….

Photo Credit: The CW

One Response to “The Vampire Diaries – Typical plot, or is something fresh a-coming?”

October 17, 2009 at 8:27 PM

The dance scene was fun and Damon was rather sexy.

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