CliqueClack TV

The Big Bang Theory – Die, Wil Wheaton, die!

Wil Wheaton on The Big Bang Theory

Well, well, well … if it isn’t Wil Wheaton playing … Wil Wheaton. In the geekdom that is comic and science fiction, the world in which our Big Bang Theory boys dwell, Wil is up there on his pedestal admired by the masses. Little does Wil know, he has one enemy out there in the world (besides all the bloggers over the years he’s conned out of their Guinness, by telling new bloggers aboard it’s tradition to buy him a Guinness. He’s probably stockpiling them.) But this isn’t about Wil. Wait. It is.

The side story about Penny lining up a date for Wolowitz was cute. You never know, it looks like Wolowitz may have found a kindred soul. They seem to be siblings from parallel Mother universes. To be honest, I’d rather see that relationship grow rather than Leonard and Penny remaining lovers. Ew. Of course, they’ve ruined the unattainable beauty next door and we can’t time travel back to the past.

But the episode got owned by the imagined slight from Wil Wheaton, which Sheldon has built into a war. Oh, war of the super nerds! Cool. Now, Wil didn’t even know he slighted Sheldon back in 1995 when he didn’t stay around to sign Sheldon’s action figure. But he knows now.

What to do? What to do? He makes up a story about his grandmother dying (which unfortunately made me think of Jonny Fairplay from Survivor) and Sheldon buys it hook, line, and sinker. In his own omniscient way, Wil knew the story of a boy loving his MeMa Nana would crumble Sheldon to a quivering mass.

So, Sheldon played the Enchanted Bunny in the tournament. And Wil crushed the bunny with his rock card. Now Sheldon really has a reason to hate Wil Wheaton. He didn’t sign the action figure, he LIED about his grandmother’s death, and he stole the tournament win from Sheldon. I don’t think we’ve seen the end of this.

Now, since the show has really irked me with the Leonard and Penny hook-ups, here’s the chance for them to redeem themselves. Instead of bringing back recurring characters like Barry Kripke, whom I despise (the character, not necessarily the actor), have Wil be Evil Wil. Have him play off Sheldon. There would be a good recurring role.

Pardon me now. I must brush up on my Klingon. And I think I might still owe Wil a Guinness from a few years back. I hope his memory isn’t as good as Sheldon’s.

Photo Credit: CBS

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | TV Shows |

7 Responses to “The Big Bang Theory – Die, Wil Wheaton, die!”

October 20, 2009 at 12:36 AM

“I call my Meemaw, Nana, and she’s going to be very happy to hear that my small rock kills your enchanted bunny. Game over, Moonpie”

Ok, that was by far the funniest line of the the night. But overall, I liked the non-Wil Wheaton story tonight better than the few minutes he was on. I love the dynamic of Penny and Leonard together. Their scene in the car was hilarious and was when I realized how much potential they have together. Though, the bedroom scene earlier was funny too.

Towards the end of last season, it was getting close to “the Sheldon show”, but this season I am glad it is getting back to an ensemble show.

I hope Wolowitz’s girl sticks around for awhile. I would love to see her show up for dinner at his house, perhaps the Thanksgiving mention last ep was a set up for that.

Have to disagree with you about Penny and Leonard-each ep I like them together more and more!

October 20, 2009 at 2:51 AM

I’ve yet to have the opportunity to give Wil that Guinness. But, anyone who lost his Meemaw deserves a Guinness, right?

October 20, 2009 at 6:40 PM

I simply can’t imagine Sheldon losing a game like that no matter what sappy story the opponent comes up with.

October 20, 2009 at 10:39 PM

This was an awesome episode(except for having to see Penny & Leonard in bed…ewww is right). I really hope we get to see Howard with that girl again. He was really sweet! And ITA that Wil Wheaton far surpasses Kripke as a foil for Sheldon. Bring Wil back!

October 21, 2009 at 10:09 AM

Penny & Leonard are good as long and they’re not always the primary storyline. In past weeks (last week, if memory serves) their relationship has been acknowledged without being part of the story. Keep them in the background at times and it will be a tolerable relationship.

I’m glad that Wolowitz is interacting with a girl in a non-creepy way. The conversation about their mothers and him inviting her for shabbat dinner was great.

Evil Wil = genius. He pwned Sheldon. I like call backs to other episodes such as “moon pie” (I recall giggling heavily when Penny called him that).

When Sheldon spoke in Klingon (also see reference to it in Wil’s blog here and here) it reminded me of the scene in Garden State when he’s in the kitchen with Largeman, Mark and Mark’s mom:

“No, no. That wasn’t the one I said. This one means ‘Kill Kirk’… And also, ‘hallelujah’… Depending on the context.”

How did Evil Wil know what it meant?

P.S. I’ve been wanting to have Guinness with Wil since around 2002.

October 21, 2009 at 10:12 AM

I edited that comment poorly. Originally Jim Parsons’ name WAS in the reference to Garden State but in my comment editing it got left out. Obviously I meant Jim Parsons and not Sheldon. I know the difference.
(I’m not quite awake yet.)

October 21, 2009 at 10:44 AM

I love that the screencap for this post clearly shows Wheaton’s Fruit Fucker T-shirt.

I was disappointed that, once Wil played the Small Rock on Sheldon’s Enchanted Bunny, neither Raj nor Stuart played the Carrot of Power to overturn the fraudulent victory. They set that one up, man.

No mention of the Shatner-echoing “WHEATON!” at the end of the show?

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