CliqueClack TV

Greek calls it a half-season

greek3.10 - mid season three finale

Why exactly was this a musical episode? Have there been hints dropped that the cast members are a bunch of singers and dancers? Because, if so, I’d love to dispel those rumors. I can’t speak to the singing — I saw a rough cut minus the vocals — but the dancing was something out of a really bad episode of Fame, entitled something like, “The Fame kids start sucking.”

But otherwise tonight’s episode of Greek started off just about where you’d expect: one week later, and still keeping a secret. Sounds like Evan and Frannie, right? The difference, of course, being the fraternity that the sneaking around is taking place in. At Omega Kai, secrets would be treated discreetly, then gossiped about. With the KTs? Casey got a standing ovation, but I doubt any of the brothers would care enough to mention her presence to anyone.

My favorite part of the night was clearly the Dale/Rusty feud, and their Battle Bots challenge. It never occurred to me that, like Calvin said, Dale would be jealous of what Rusty has. It’s sad to think that someone as awesome as Dale would only have school in his life. It was nice of Rusty to throw the match, but what did his robot do? Create some sort of magnetic field?

SongFest was rather cheesy and lame. ZBZ’s eventual dance was out of a lame ’80s movie, while everyone else’s looked like something from a bad porno. I did enjoy the subplot, however, with Katherine offering Casey VP of Judicial on the Pan-Hellenic Board. It occurred to me as well that Katherine was trying to knock ZBZ off of its game, but I liked that in reality she was being genuine. Which still leaves the question of why she is the way she is, but at least she doesn’t appear to be manipulative. Too bad Rebecca burned down the Gamma Psi house.

Some other stuff of note tonight:

  • Evan’s face when Cappie told Evan about him and Casey — Evan looked heartbroken.
  • Rusty’s advisor, Dr. Hastings (Dan Castellaneta) is great; in the mix, but not too overbearing. And I love how geek-competitive he is.
  • The nerd trash-talking before the judges came around: Dale calling Rusty anchor, Rusty matching that with canker-sore, and following it up with the “sex with Sheila and subsequent marriage proposal” zinger.
  • Dale and Cappie take Krav Maga together
  • The KTs built a brick wall outside the Omega Kais front door … awesome!
  • I’ve noted the following: Beaver is brighter when he has product in his hair … think on it.
  • Did I catch Cappie seemingly jealous of Rebecca and Evan when they were talking after SongFest?
  • Ashleigh’s lack of qualifications to be ZBZ president really became obvious during the crisis. She was right about coming clean, but she’s clearly unqualified.
  • The only reason Evan came to Rebecca’s room is because he believes he has no one else to lean on … that’s healthy.
  • Beaver and his cricket Jiminy

Before the quotes, I’d like to say that, while I wasn’t surprised that Omega Kai screwed the KTs, I still can’t believe it, and I’m shocked that Evan did that to Cappie. After everything they’ve gone through to reconnect? And chances are that nothing will change people like Tripp’s minds. So what did Evan gain? Nothing. Not that Wade, Ferret, or Jeremy mean anything to me, but Cappie and Evan did.


“Let’s think of this as bringing another member into our team. Um, she’ll be working directly under me.” – Cappie to Evan about Casey

“We’ll all be pals, you know? Like Harry Potter … and, um, you know, and the other two.” – Cappie to Evan

“I hate crickets. Ever since Pinocchio … they’re too bossy.” – Beaver

“Cappie, who do the Kappa Tau’s hate the most?” – Casey
“Ryan Seacrest. Oh no, no, no, wait, wait; Officer Huck.” – Cappie
“And who do the Omega Kais hate the most?” – Casey
“Liberals?” – Cappie

“Yes, you get your own clipboard.” – Katherine to Casey on her Pan-Hellenic post

“That’s fine if you want to get pregnant.” – ZBZer to Rebecca, on her dancing

“We’re in.” – Evan
“Well, we’re in further.” – Beaver
“Do you have any idea what comes out of your mouth?” – Tripp
“No … do you?” – Beaver

“We’re all gonna go to girl jail, like those prison movies my boyfriend watches.” – ZBZer, after the fire

Enjoy your break!

Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

8 Responses to “Greek calls it a half-season”

November 2, 2009 at 11:00 PM

I slept right through the episode. lol

I’ll have to remember to tape it tomorrow night to see how badly your predicts were. :-p

November 3, 2009 at 11:18 AM

As long as your calendar is cleared for watching Wednesday night’s Yankees victory.

November 3, 2009 at 12:14 PM

Sorry I don’t like watching cheaters…. :-p

On a serious note, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but they really need to have instant replays in baseball. I mean can the umps be any worse for both teams?!

November 6, 2009 at 2:26 AM

Yeah, but it is unreasonable to do it on every strike/ball call. What would be cool is if they could electronically monitor and set the strike zone of each new batter, and have the ball designed so that it could be read on some screen as to whether or not it fell within the strike zone. Then that information could be relayed to the home plate ump. Presumably that could be done in real-time, but then there’s the argument of why would you need an umpire if a computer could make the calls for you.

November 6, 2009 at 2:35 AM

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

How sweet it is!

November 3, 2009 at 5:40 PM

The Evan/Cappie break up was heartbreaking…i am sad..and i still heart Evan..he is a cute flawed human being..he will use Rebecca and being alone in his crappy fraternity…

November 6, 2009 at 2:29 AM

I’m not clear on where they are in the school year, but I’m guessing there could be two or three more chapters to the year. There’s still time for them….

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