CliqueClack TV

Heroes – Hiro and Charlie forever

I know what you're thinking when you look at that picture, and no, this isn't a post about Glee.

Jayma Mays on Heroes

I know what you’re thinking when you look at that picture, and no, this isn’t a post about Glee. Instead, Jayma Mays reprised her role of Charlie on this week’s Heroes. Now, this wouldn’t really be a big deal, except that Mays is now a regular on Glee, which appears on FOX. It’s always a tad unusual when actors travel between networks. Heck, it was only last year when NBC wouldn’t allow some of their own actors (including Masi Oka) return for the finale of Scrubs. I never thought I would be giving FOX props for doing the right thing, but they certainly made NBC look small and petty with this move.

The question is: did the guest appearance amount to anything? I think it did.

I thought this ended up being one of the stronger episodes of the season to date. I thought it was a little bit of a renaissance for the Hiro character. All season he had been annoying and pretty stupid in my opinion, and I thought he returned to his charming, heroic ways in this episode. With Hiro being manipulated into working for Samuel and the carnival now, I’m hoping that his character will continue to be more interesting (i.e., no more trying to rescue coworkers from photocopying their ass).

It was great to see Charlie back on the show and her appearance made me a little nostalgic for the stellar first season of the show. Sure, all the time traveling and future-changing shenanigans probably would have had many more consequences than we have seen, but I can forgive that. After all, when I think about those time travels paradoxes too hard my brain starts to hurt.

It took seven hours of Heroes, but we finally got a Mohinder sighting! I know the fandom was crying out for more Mohinder, and I think we’re about to get it. I may have been curious about Samuel’s story before, but now I’m fascinated. What business did Samuel have with the good doctor? What would have led him to kill him? And why would he possibly have been sorry about it?

In any case, this is the first time in a while that I’ve been excited about where Heroes is headed. How did you feel about tonight’s episode?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Heroes – Hiro and Charlie forever”

November 3, 2009 at 8:14 AM

I liked seeing old Claire and Noah the best, and “going Haitian.”

I’m just flabbergasted at the audacity of extorting a time traveler when your own time traveler is already dead. He’s got to use his power, making his tumor worse, to do your bidding anyway, so he might as well spend it going back to right before Charlie left the diner in the previous scene and preventing her from being kidnapped in the first place. What’s your countermove then? Of course, that’s as likely as Peter asking Hiro to help him rescue Caitlin, who was also stuck in time.

Best Mohinder sighting ever!

November 3, 2009 at 8:27 AM

Yeah, I find that the only way I can enjoy this show is to turn off the logical portion of my brain for an hour. It seems like most viewers think harder than the writers do.

November 4, 2009 at 3:45 AM

finally we have a clue on what happened to mr suresh !I was kinda’ worry.. =S

It was nice seeing the characters in the season 1 scenario.. searching for sylar and all that.

overall it was a good episode, maybe the best so far…

December 24, 2009 at 2:29 AM

I did not enjoy the portion with HRG and Lauren. Or Laura? Was it really necessary?

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