CliqueClack TV

Mad Men – How is this season going to end?

- Season 3, Episode 12 - "The Grown Ups"

Mad Men

Well, I was wrong.

For a while now, I’ve been figuring that the assassination of President Kennedy was going to be saved for the season finale, but it took front stage on the penultimate episode this week. The historical event did, however, appear to put a bunch of things in motion for the end of the season. It all has me wondering how this season of Mad Men is going to end, and I have a few theories on what we are going to see next week.

First of all, I think that the writers have slowly been building up to a few things for next season. With so many characters from Sterling Cooper in flux, I think that Duck’s firm is going to become a real player in the ensuing fourth season. Peggy, Pete, and most likely Sal will all end up working for Duck, or at least I think so. Who knows, maybe even Joan will find her way to Duck’s firm as well, back to her rightful place as Queen of the office. It’s all theory at this point, I don’t have any kind of inside information, but that seems like a plausible scenario.

Of course, with Sterling Cooper actively being shopped by the British owners, it might be a fun turn if Duck’s firm purchased it. Duck and Don had great chemistry last season, and Mark Moses does a really nice job with the role, so I would love to see more of him in season four. I would love to see Don squirm having to answer to Duck.

Things also seem to be coming to a head with Don and Betty. I’m curious to see if she will finally leave Don. She certainly seemed like she was sure that she no longer loved him. I know Don was hoping that it was just an emotional response, but I don’t think it was. Seriously, how much can he expect her to take? At the same time, for her to abandon her family to run away with Henry seems a little implausible. I do think, however, that next week will see Betty packing up and leaving Don. Whether or not she drags the kids with her is another question altogether.

What do you think is going to happen in the season finale of Mad Men?

Photo Credit: AMC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Mad Men | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “Mad Men – How is this season going to end?”

November 3, 2009 at 3:53 PM

Hey everybody!

So did you guys recognize mayor of Berlin Willy Brandt on TV (while Pete talked to his wife whether the wedding would take place)? Brandt became German chancellor later on in ’69, partly because of this publicity.

Yeah I know – “whatever” but when else do I get the chance to drop some German history on you guys? ;-)

November 4, 2009 at 4:13 PM

I think Duck’s presence this season and Sterling Cooper being for sale will connect somehow… I can’t imagine Betty actually leaving Don. But nothing she does seems to surprise me anymore. If she does leave Don for Henry, I think she’ll see that the grass is NOT greener. But maybe not until season 4? Don has been such a jackass this season, I can’t believe I actually felt bad for him this week.

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