CliqueClack TV

Has Ugly Betty lost its charm?

Ugly Betty used to be one of those captivating shows that had me rooting for the underdog secretary Betty Suarez while enjoying her humiliation at the hands of her evil coworkers at fashion magazine Mode. There were so many characters I loved to hate. As cancellation buzz builds around Betty this season, I've taken a moment to consider why the show has lost its spark for me.

Betty's first day of work at Mode magazine.

Ugly Betty used to be a captivating show that had me rooting for the underdog secretary Betty Suarez while enjoying her humiliation at the hands of her evil coworkers at fashion magazine Mode. There were so many characters I loved to hate. As cancellation buzz builds around Betty this season, I’ve taken a moment to consider why the show has lost its spark for me.

1) The evil people are no longer evil. Marc and Amanda used to be Betty’s archenemies. Their spiteful jokes and pranks were hilarious (remember when they kidnapped Betty’s pink bunny and taunted her with photos of it being tortured?). Wilhelmina Slater and Alexis Meade were deliciously evil villains, scheming to take over Mode from Betty’s boss, the womanizing dolt/editor-in-chief Daniel Meade. Claire Meade, Daniel’s alcoholic jailbird mom, was yet another character that was fun because she was bad. By the fourth season, these characters lost much of their wicked charm after having grown as human beings and been shown in a sympathetic light. Marc and Amanda, while still hilarious, have become “almost-friends” with Betty. (In the latest episode, “Plus None,” Amanda even told Betty she looked pretty!) Alexis turned away from the dark side and decided to put family first. Daniel and Claire have become wise mentors for Betty (how sad). Only Wilhelmina remains to uphold the standard of evil … but even she has become a much more sympathetic character now that we have seen her softer side (first with her daughter Nico and more recently when she fell in love and had her heart broken by Connor Owen).

2) Betty is no longer ugly. When Betty first walked into the fashion world, draped in a Guadalajara poncho, flashing braces and red librarian glasses, how could you not feel for her? Anyone who has been a real-life “Ugly Betty” can sympathize with someone struggling to fit in and failing half the time. Of course, it was inevitable that Betty would grow and change. She became really great at her job and saved everyone’s ass countless times. Next she became an editor. Finally her outward transformation began. This season, her look has become much more sophisticated. Only the braces remain to remind us that this is Ugly Betty and not America Ferrera, and those braces won’t be around for long. I am glad that Betty is growing up – she had to at some point – but now that she is blossoming, the show is no longer what it used to be. Ugly Betty was unique because its heroine was, well, “ugly” (like us common folk). I don’t feel the same sympathy for her that I used to… maybe that’s just me.

3) The critique of the fashion industry is fading. Yes, as an editor Betty tries to incorporate serious issues (like malaria) into Mode. But I seem to remember being able to watch the show as a commentary on the shallowness of the fashion industry. Betty, who never wanted to work for Mode in the first place, provided a sharp contrast to the appearance- and trend-obsessed people around her. Her outfits were a slap in the face of fashion. I liked that. While the show still depicts the shallowness through characters like Wilhelmina, Marc, and Amanda, I feel like Betty herself has become much more embracing of it. Now when I watch the show, I no longer feel like I’m laughing at the hollow world of fashion. Too bad… that was one of the reasons I tuned in.

Ugly Betty has changed, and that’s fine. I’m sure there are people out there who love the evolution of the show. I’m one of those people who won’t mind at all if it’s cancelled because, for me, the charm is already gone.

Do you still like Ugly Betty, or are you ready to say goodbye?

Photo Credit: ABC

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6 Responses to “Has Ugly Betty lost its charm?”

November 10, 2009 at 6:42 PM

The show lost its charm for me when it went into the godawful dull Daniel/Molly/Connor/Wili quadrangle from hell, combined with Hilda nagging Betty to move home and take care of her dad. The former was predictable, the latter irritated the crap out of me. Um, YOU live at home, Hilda, and it’s not like your dad just got handicapped enough to need help wiping his butt here. I was just so pissed at those storylines I could take it no more.

November 10, 2009 at 7:43 PM

Everything you’re saying is true, but I’m liking Ugly Betty more now than I did all last season. Betty’s new position as an editor makes her job more interesting and Marc and Amanda are just entertaining as they’ve ever been. I guess I like her current love interest more than some of the former ones so that’s why I’m more entertained. Daniel is less annoying now too.

I heard Ugly Betty might move to Wednesday nights so I’m definitely going to keep watching.

November 10, 2009 at 8:08 PM

I do like Matt. He seems sweet, plus he’s rich and looks like Tom Cruise + Josh Groban.

November 11, 2009 at 3:37 AM

three reasons to stick with this show: Marc, Amanda, and of course Wilhelmina. the writers give them all the good lines, and they deliver the goods.
Daniel is the biggest drag on the show, but so is his family’s boring drama. I used to like Claire when she was crazy and prison-breaking with her cellmate, nowadays, i actually hope they just write the entire Meade family out of the show.
having said that though, this season is much improved over the last.

December 6, 2009 at 12:10 PM

I love UGLY BEtty, woooooo, go ugly betty you rock :)
NoTTTT, its actually pretty boring now, she has lost all the appeal she used to have, and is now ‘plain boring betty’.

January 14, 2010 at 4:28 PM

Yes, Ugly Betty has become a seriously boring show. Seasons 1 & 2 were great. The characters were larger than life, the writing was snappy, the direction was fun to watch. The series started to slide during season 3. Whether the network was going after better ratings or the actors lobbied for more sympathetic screen time, I don’t know, but the storylines became more centered on the character’s emotional lives than their corporate conniving. Boring! Season 4 has been very disappointing. Mushy characters, clunky writing and pedestrian direction. Betty is no longer a hero and the Willy is no longer a villian; just misunderstood. I predict season 4 will be the last for Ugly Betty and the series finale will be Betty getting her braces off. Yes, it will be that boring.

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