CliqueClack TV

Six reasons The Vampire Diaries keeps me coming back for more

- Season 1, Episode 9 - "History Repeating"


“Aren’t you going to let me in?” – Logan to Jenna, on her doorstep

Sometimes it’s entertaining to make fun of The Vampire Diaries. Between Stefan’s brooding and Damon’s Dr. Evil impersonations, it can sometime elicit eye-rolls. And don’t even get me started on how some weak, teenage girl cries in every episode. But when you get right down to it, the show is all good fun and quite well done. I’m pretty hooked, and even as I try to look away, I just keep coming back for more. Oh, my eyes! Here’s why:

1. They totally just kill people, and it’s delicious. Just like when Joss Whedon killed off Jesse in the second episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, when we thought he’d be a cast regular, the Powers That Be at Vampire Diaries are following in those awesome footsteps. Uncle Zach? Deadzo. Fresh vamp Vicki? Ka-put. Aunt Jenna’s half-a-second ex-love interest, reporter Logan Whats-his-name? Rotting like road kill. And I love it. I love that I don’t have to assume that this show won’t kill off main characters, because they’ve already done it three times and I wholly expect them to do it again.

2. On that note, let’s talk about surprises. Um … Logan’s alive, and he’s a vamp, and that’s just so cool!

3. Damon is evil, nearly two-dimensionally so, yet we can see that Katherine is his weakness, his driving motivation for all the scheming. I’m not sure I really want her to be alive and ripe for the freeing (along with the other 26 vamps), but it will be an interesting turn of events if that does happen. And you know Katherine would definitely pull the twin trick and pretend to be Elena at some point. Good times.

4. Smart writing, believe it or not. Look beyond the teenage angst and the manufactured drama and you’ll find some clever twists and ever better one-liners. They are really doing a masterful job of tying things together too, like the comet and the functioning crystal, bringing back Logan and building on the mythos.

5. The supernatural element interests me. Lately, any sci-fi shows have bored me to tears (FlashForward, V), but for some reason, anything supernatural rocks my socks. OK, except Eastwick, but I’m apparently not alone there. We’ve got vampires, witches and who knows what else is lurking in Mystic Falls.

6. The promise that the new history teacher, Alaric Saltzman (just another pretty face?), will be more than someone for Jenna to ogle. The ring, the ancestor with the funky name … this guy’s going to shake things up, and I can’t wait to see which side he falls to.

You can let me have it … for all my past snark (and the future snark there is sure to be), I admit that The Vampire Diaries has sucked me in. Pun intended.

Photo Credit: Quantrell Colbert/The CW

4 Responses to “Six reasons The Vampire Diaries keeps me coming back for more”

November 12, 2009 at 11:47 PM

I have to admit the two brothers mimicking each other was funny.

November 14, 2009 at 1:20 AM

“bringing back Logan”

We’ve seen Logan before???

November 14, 2009 at 9:47 AM

Oh yes … and this is where it gets interesting for me. Logan was the reporter ex of Jenna, and part of the sheriff’s little alliance group. They went hunting one night and Damon killed him, or so we thought. Now he’s showing up a few episodes later, inevitably a vamp, so there’s going to be some fun!

November 14, 2009 at 9:55 PM

Ah ok, that guy.

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