CliqueClack TV

A perfect storm of Californication awesomeness

- Season 3, Episode 8 - "The Apartment"

Californication season 3 - Jill and Felicia

While I’m not giving refunds to dissatisfied customers, I am asserting my claim that this was quite possibly the best episode of television that Showtime has ever aired.

I mean, just the perfectly executed confluence of events that didn’t play as over-the-top. Each knock at the door could have popped the balloon, but it just kept on rising higher and higher — and there wasn’t even a kid riding in it! In fact, this was not an episode meant for children, especially not Hank’s. Shot that one to hell.

The only downside I see is that less than a million people watch Californication every week (not sure how many airings that accounts for). But we’re going to do something about that. I’m proposing a campaign, ala the “save our show” movements founded by fans. Here’s what to do: buy a gross of condoms, and write the word Californication in permanent marker on each individual wrapper. Then hand them out all over town! At the very least that might land us all in jail … hey, any press is better than none.

I just can’t get over how well scripted everything was tonight. From Jackie’s friends so innocently stopping by for a night of debauchery, to a drunken stripper stumbling in on Hank and Becca’s heart-to-heart, not a moment was wasted, or done poorly. Even the Jackie moments, and I can’t stand her!

So first we had Jackie, who re-voiced her desire to build something real with Hank; she wants to be his girlfriend, and she’s willing to stop stripping for him. I like that she wasn’t leaving, and just plopped herself down on his patio with a book. Especially considering what was going on his bedroom.

Which was Rick Springfield and Charlie having a time with one of two strippers (the conscious one, thankfully). Kelley68 has enlightened me on Rick a bit, and I now appreciate his turn this episode a lot more. He’s like Neil Patrick Harris playing Neil Patrick Harris, and not himself, in Harold & Kumar; a parody, not a true representation. In which case, bravo on a great acting job, man! And your character’s extremely depraved.

Jill popping in was very welcome as far as I’m concerned. Hank should give their relationship a go, and not because she showed up naked under her raincoat. Although I knew sticking her in Becca’s room would backfire. And, uh, Jackie, you called Jill gross? Come again?

And then Felicia, who’s leaving her husband after one night of passion with Hank? I realize it’s less about Hank and more about what he unlocked in her, but she is a bit extreme, no? A little too much American in that Brit, maybe.

And then the Dean himself, suggesting three-way therapy for him, Felicia, and Hank? I love how clueless he is! And how perfect that, amidst all the craziness, he was more interested in Rick Springfield’s presence in Hank’s apartment.

I loved the entire back-and-forth once Becca and Chelsea showed up and Becca found Jill in her bedroom. First of all, how like the pilot was that with Becca walking in on one of Hank’s ladies naked? But how everyone found out about everyone else, including Chelsea learning about her mom’s affair? That can’t be good for the potential love bubbling between her and Becca.

And then Charlie and Rick started a fire in Hank’s bedroom, a result of the candle Rick was melting on him and/or the stripper … and we’re out. Wow!

There was one downer for me, which is this continuing juxtaposition of Hank as the kid and Becca as the parent. Why does Hank need to answer to Becca all of the time? But then the newly-awoken stripper stumbled out, and we were back to all good.

So, should this be Californication’s Emmy entry this year? How good was this thirty minutes of television?

Photo Credit: Showtime

9 Responses to “A perfect storm of Californication awesomeness”

November 16, 2009 at 3:38 AM

Best. Ep. This. Season! Series?

November 16, 2009 at 4:26 AM

k now that i’ve actually read the review, a couple of points:

-it seems that Jackie heard everything from the balcony since Felicia showed up since she didn’t question Hank sleeping with her, but instead asked about the daughter.
-the actress playing Jill totally had a body double. meh, guess she’s afraid to show her body. she shouldn’t have signed on to this show then.
-did i mention this is probably the best ep of the series?
-i knew the passed out stripper was going to pop up again.
-i’m glad that there was some type of showdown since the ep where Karen was in class was such a letdown. this ep completely made up for it.

November 16, 2009 at 10:40 AM

Did Jackie hear? I just figured she took it as a no-brainer that Hank would sleep up the food chain, and that it was down (Jill) that threw her for a loop.

I don’t know about body-double, but it’s interesting that she and Jackie have nude scenes, while Felicia did not, and I don’t think Karen ever has. Does that keep her the saintly mother hen?

This was just a really great episode. My jaw dropped when Charlie walked out in his boxers (for some reason I couldn’t figure out what the hell he was doing in there … I think I forgot about the strippers). Really great!

November 16, 2009 at 12:51 PM

it has to be a body double. i mean they did the classic body double camera trick, never showed her face with her nude body. when they showed her breasts her head was out of frame, & then when she turned to show her butt they did the same thing.

whereas every other naked body in this ep & even Eva Amurri has had their body & face all in the frame while they’re exposed.

November 17, 2009 at 4:21 PM

I’m not disagreeing, I just didn’t notice one way or the other. Thinking back, however, I think I did process that Jill’s face was out of the shot. Is it one of those “too big a name” things? Is she, even?

November 16, 2009 at 10:55 AM

Ha! Loved this episode & your review. Obviously, you know I’m going to say this is my favorite one yet! ;-) Can’t wait for next week!!


November 17, 2009 at 4:23 PM

There’s definitely Rick plot for you next week. I can’t say whether or not you’ll enjoy it, but it’s there. ;)

Just to close the loop from what you mentioned on the other post about last night, I think after the original diner scene, Rick and Sue would spontaneously combust if they shared the same room again.

November 16, 2009 at 11:14 PM

I don’t know if you guys notice it, did rick springfield just F his own daughter. The conversation that they have together seems like they implied it to be so.

November 17, 2009 at 4:24 PM

I thought they were going there with that line of conversation, but I think the stripper was with it enough to have come to that conclusion if she didn’t know who her dad was. I think it was played more for the “How the hell long has this guy been living this life?” and “Ew, gross!” angle.

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