CliqueClack TV

Being 30-something is laughable, according to Modern Family

- Season 1, Episode 8 - "Great Expectations"

modern family elizabeth banks

I don’t know about you, but I totally related to Modern Family‘s story lines tonight. OK, maybe not the baby killer one (we only had an acquaintance threaten to feed little Owen to the lions — not a good friend), but the other two? Oh yes.

I have fond yet annoying memories of my male friends coming over in my high school and home-for-the-holiday college years and not making it out of my father’s Mantown basement lair. You know I’m talking to you, Vinnie and Steffan — you came to pick me up and take me to a party, yet you spent all night playing pool, darts and computer games. This, my post-reading friends, happened on more than one occasion.

The anniversary gift fiasco, I must say, did strike a chord with me as well. You know, it’s their fault — if they would just cash in the coupons, they’d be a really good gift. Men. I’m off to shine my sapphire ring now. I know Keith is about to cash in that coupon for a free back massage anytime, but man, it’s like waiting for a slap bet.

Any teenager of the ’80s can relate to Spandau Ballet and the perfect lameness that was portrayed in tonight’s episode of Modern Family. Ed Norton, you rock, and I definitely don’t mean literally.

Back to the baby killer a moment … even though it may not be to the extreme, us couples with-child all have friends without, and it does make it harder to stay the same type of friends that you were. Um, sorry, we can go to dinner at 5:30 but we’ve got to be home by 8:00 latest to put Owen to bed, since he won’t fall asleep for anyone but us.

Now either you’re all pooling your collective funds to get me — or Owen — some really good therapy, or you’re laughing right along with me at Modern Family‘s superb episode tonight. Which story line hit home for you the most?

Photo Credit: ABC

2 Responses to “Being 30-something is laughable, according to Modern Family”

November 19, 2009 at 5:34 AM

i was sitting there thinking “damn this guy sounds a lot like Edward Norton did in American History X. kinda looks like him too.”

thanks for verifying that it was him.

November 20, 2009 at 11:27 AM

This show makes me laugh, which is what I need in my life right now. It is amazing to me how aging makes a person scowl!!! We need more fun in our lives and besides our adorable grandchildren this show does it for me. I must confess I thought their female “friend” was beginning to annoy me a bit, but the rest of the show was great.

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