CliqueClack TV

The Vampire Diaries master the art of tease … and I like it

- Season 1, Episode 10 - "The Turning Point"


Again! Again, The Vampire Diaries kills off a main character. Now, before you go getting your panties all in a bunch about me putting a spoiler before the jump in my post, just relax. I won’t say another word about it until it’s safe.

A ton happened in this episode, which kind of sucks because we’re not going to see any movement on any of it until January 21. That’s a super-long hiatus, and I’m bored already.

OK — they brought Logan back from the dead, as a vampire, just to kill him again. They do that on this show and I’m liking it on a number of levels. First of all, no one is safe. They’ve proven that again and again — just look at Vicki. Logan’s reinvention tonight gave us a new evil to delight in. I didn’t really hate Damon in this episode, and I think that’s a smart move on the part of the writers. They are going to have to give Damon some redeemable qualities so we are sympathetic toward him, and they’re starting to do just that, first with his vulnerability to Katherine and now with his, shall we say, camaraderie with the good-as-gold Stefan.

Better yet, Logan’s resurrection brought us a tease … there is still a way to release Katherine and her friends from their eternal trap, but, oh, snap! Logan’s dead so we can’t find out. They’ve got to milk that little mystery for all its worth, because we can’t meet Katherine yet. But it does lead us to question just who it was that turned Logan. My guess is that it’s whoever Elena hit with her car at the end, and she’s going to meet him without her vervain necklace. Jealous dumbass.

The writers are also teasing us with this “daywalker” thing. What’s the deal? Logan is obsessed with it, and Stefan and Damon think they are the only two — just who is Alaric, otherwise known as Daywalker Number Three? He’s fighting on the side of good, unless he’s got a major ulterior motive, which is entirely possible.

One last point, which brings me back to the “no one is safe” thing I mentioned. That’s not quite true, because Caroline has assumed the role of hapless blonde victim, and no matter what, I just can’t see her being offed. The Vampire Diaries could surprise me once again, it’s happened throughout the season, that’s for sure, but something tells me Caroline and her role are around for the long haul.

I’m really digging this show … just don’t tell anyone, OK?

Photo Credit: Quantrell Colbert/The CW

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