CliqueClack TV

Cougar Town’s Jules is The Girl

- Season 1, Episode 9 - "Here Comes My Girl"

cougar town cast

I’ve got a confession to make: I haven’t watched last week’s episode yet, and I hate writing about a show when I’m not all caught up. But I can’t let this week go by without a huge shout-out to Cougar Town and its clever writers, because I absolutely roared with laughter throughout this whole episode. I couldn’t even write down any quotes this week, because I’d just need a copy of the script — every line struck me that funny.

I lied. I had to write down Travis’s speech from the very beginning, since it set the tone for the show:

“OK, excuse me … quick announcement. I’m about to bring Kylie in, so I need you all to act like normal human beings. (“boo”s from the family) I know it’s going to be hard, but I can help. Mrs. Torres, Kylie doesn’t have an eating disorder, she runs cross country; think of a new opening question. Mr. Torres, I don’t care how much you eat, let’s keep our pants buttoned. Laurie, your breasts are bigger than hers. There, I said it. You don’t need to tell her. Neighbor guy, I see you brought your fruity little guitar. Let’s keep that holstered. Mom, you have multiple problem areas, so when in doubt just say to yourself, ‘That’s a bad idea.’ Dad, I think we both know it’s best you don’t say anything.”

They all take it with grace, though, and only humiliate Travis with a welcome song to Kylie. Very appropriate.

The sex talk and the water balloon not-condom was funny too, but something about “Playing with the Boys” inspired a fit of giggles that wouldn’t let up. Was it Andy’s sweaty, hairy chest and beer gut, or the fact that Bobby was hanging from the basketball hoop? Both of those things, and the fact that they trampled the neighborhood kids with pride.

I especially like the way they wove in the apparent longing both Bobby and Grayson have for Jules. The boys tried to work out their issue with it in a game of full contact basketball, but in the end, they just swallowed it and vowed not to speak of it, because it was something that was a few years away. What a great reference to the classic timetable of the sitcom. You know Jules won’t get together with Grayson for a while, because we all enjoy the tease so much, even though it is inevitable. Very well done, Cougar Town.

Did you all enjoy this episode as much as I did?

Photo Credit: ABC

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