CliqueClack TV

Life Unexpected is about what I expected


The CW is one weird network. Most of the time they have programming I just don’t care about at all; either the show is too fluffy, or it’s made for a much younger crowd (or both). Then it has some really high quality stuff that just doesn’t fit alongside the other programming at all, like Supernatural and … well, that’s it.

I’ve heard really good things about one of CW’s new shows, Life Unexpected (I believe they ditched the capital “X” in the title now), so I was definitely looking forward to giving it a try. Now having watched the first three episodes, my opinion comes down to this: high quality, low appeal.

I won’t go too much into the details of what the show is about — you can read that just about anywhere, and the premise isn’t all that complicated. And, see, that’s where it lost me. While there are certainly people who like their touchy-feely, feel-good shows that don’t have some big mystery or theme that makes you anxious to see the next episode, I’m definitely not one of those people. So far, Life Unexpected is completely without the unexpected — there’s nothing making me desperate to see the next episode, because there’s just nothing pulling me forward to want to see it.

Now, I’m not saying I need science fiction or thrilling mysteries to keep me tied to a show (though, for me, that helps). I can have compelling drama and be drawn in. Strong comedy works too; the funny stuff pulls me along because I want to see what the next joke will be. None of that is part of Life Unexpected, which is why I can’t be bothered with it. And that really is a shame.

Yes, it’s a shame. It’s a shame because Life Unexpected really is a well crafted show. Actually, it’s very well crafted. It has high production value, incredibly strong acting talent, and top-notch writing. So, the real shame here is that none of that matters to me — I couldn’t be bothered with it. When there are so many other shows that I’m either watching live or that are taking up precious DVR gigabytes, as well done as Life Unexpected is, I can’t see making time for it.

If your thing is cute shows like Gilmore Girls, ones that may very well have a long life ahead of them on the network, then you should be thrilled with Life Unexpected (disclaimer: I never saw GG, but I’ve heard it’s in the same category as this show). The pilot is cute, and the characters are, for lack of a better word, adorable. So far it’s not the sort of show you’d be talking about with friends all week long, but it’s just cute fun.

Life Unexpected premieres Monday, January 18 at 9 PM EST on The CW. Let me know what you think.

Photo Credit: Michael Courtney / The CW

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6 Responses to “Life Unexpected is about what I expected”

December 22, 2009 at 11:40 AM

I had the chance to watch the first episode but not the rest. I’m used to watching bits of a lot of programmes (also from CW: 100% unbearable for me)and definitely loved this show…I even disagree with you in Supernatural.(Hate that stuff).

I respect your opinion but, in my case, it was highly better than I expected, and I watch plenty of tv…., just, maybe I’m tired of watching the same once and again.
And, finally, the characters sucked me in from the very beginning to the very end.

December 22, 2009 at 12:45 PM

I saw all 3, and the pilot was definitely the best epi. It was better than I expected too, but not sure if it’s going to make the cut, so to speak, b/c there are so many shows I enjoy on TV right now. The characters are super, though, a real strength of the show. I love every last one of them, especially Lux.

December 22, 2009 at 1:52 PM

Did you enjoy the others?

December 22, 2009 at 3:03 PM

I definitely did, and they all ended with such nice little “feel good” moments. It’s a really cute show.

December 22, 2009 at 1:02 PM

So far, Life Unexpected is completely without the unexpected — there’s nothing making me desperate to see the next episode, because there’s just nothing pulling me forward to want to see it.

Did you or would you have watched “The Waltons” back in its day?

None of that is part of Life Unexpected, which is why I can’t be bothered with it. And that really is a shame.

So, you’re saying that it’s a really good show, but it’s not your cup o’ tea? Then, how about noting that The CW’s targeted demo is Women, 18-34 y.o.

February 22, 2010 at 4:02 PM

I’ve now watched all episodes and I like the show as a whole, the problem I have is some of the plot devices they use that make me want to slap the authors silly. It’s so extremely insulting when you care about a show or better you think “Hey, that’s a nice storyline” but then, because the authors are lazy, they just throw in another problem in the mix that’s so contrived and so idiotic that you have to think why they didn’t come up with an explanation that’s a little more long-winded but that actually makes _sense_ when they later on spend at least 20 minutes arguing about the whole problem. I mean is it so hard to believe the average teen is able to not switch the channel when something is explained but stay on for the teenage angst part?

Anyway, now that ‘Erica Strange’ is on the show I like it even more. I mean it’s no “Everwood” but I still like it. And there’s nothing else on anyway (except Men’s Icehockey! w00t! Awesome!)

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