CliqueClack TV

Cougar Town’s haircuts, botox and other makeovers

- Season 1, Episode 11 - "Rhino Skin"

“Do you guys read Cathy?” – Laurie, on how single women have it harder than single men

Cougar Town makes me laugh every episode, no exceptions … yet. I don’t really expect there to be, because they’ve got everything working for them: a balanced and talented cast, crazy characters, a nice “vibe,” if you know what I mean. Huge kudos to the Cougar Town team for making things flow so seamlessly right from the start. You didn’t even need the makeovers you gave just about the whole cast in this episode.

Watching the return of Cougar Town after its short winter hiatus was a pleasure, and there was only one thing that made me notice they had been on a break: every male member of the cast was sporting a fine new haircut, even recurring guest Scott Foley. Travis and Grayson had shorter versions of their old styles. Bobby was even neatened up, and although it’s hard to tell, what with the lack of hair and all, Andy’s sides were trimmer than usual, I’m sure of it. So Cougar Town, your new stylist for the guys was money well spent: I noticed and approve.

I loved how Jules and Ellie made going to the skin doctor a ritual somewhat akin to supermarket shopping. It’s something you have to do and need not be embarrassed about it. Clearly both of the actresses get plenty of botox injections themselves, so it was really good sportsmanship for them to embrace this story line and “out” themselves. But the best part was Barb’s quote, on seeing the 12 doctors at the “skin doctor” practice: “See you in two days when I emerge from my chrysalis.”

And so, so worth mentioning:

  • The opening scene when we see men’s mannerisisms and how they relate to their sexual style. It may have been one of the first times we got a sweet moment from Ellie to Andy too.
  • I didn’t feel the Friends reunion vibe, but I liked Lisa Kudrow‘s role last night and found her infinitely less annoying than when she played Phoebe.
  • Ellie and Jeff flirting throughout was a great joke on Jules, but I love how she had the last laugh when the strawberries turned her on and she dragged Ellie up to her room.
  • Andy the genius, young men everywhere will revere and worship you forever more.
  • “For some reason I’m craving tea right now.” – Amy, when Bobby opened his legs to show her where the hospital gown opened
  • Smith. I like this turn for Laurie and hope we see more of him.

Was Cougar Town up to snuff for you last night, makeovers and all?

Photo Credit: ABC

4 Responses to “Cougar Town’s haircuts, botox and other makeovers”

January 7, 2010 at 9:34 AM

Intellectually, I know this was a very smart and funny episode, but it was tough to enjoy completely when coming from the more natural comedies I watch throughout the week, or directly preceding Cougar Town. I always find myself cringing a bit at some of the obvious jokes or awkward transitions.

I have the same problem with 30 Rock, being acclimated to the style of the first three shows every week.

January 7, 2010 at 11:47 AM

Love this show. I think the addition of Scott Foley is perfect. How Jeff plays off of Jules really holds true to what the show is going after. He has great comedic timing. Look forward to him getting his own comedy show when they decide Jules has to date again.

Definitely my favorite comedy of the year. I’m enjoying very much the attention to my generation with Cougar Town, The Good Wife, Men of a Certain Age, etc. It feels good to know that hitting 40 isn’t a game killer.

January 7, 2010 at 2:51 PM

Agreed! I’m going to hate to see Foley go, but it’s inevitable.

January 7, 2010 at 3:23 PM

It really stinks, because I found his performance to be my favorite last night. So funny how no one even knew he was in the room when Jules was talking in the kitchen until he chimes in from the couch. He did it so well. Very nonchalant. What is so great about the character is that he just gets Jules, and he can play right along with the entire group. He fits in so well. Phooey. Now I really want him to stay.

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