CliqueClack TV

Twelve ways House makes screwing with your friends fun

- Season 6, Episode 10 - "The Down Low"

“Everyone in our building thinks we’re gay.” – Wilson
“We’re grown men over the age of 30 who moved in together. We’re two tigers away from an act in Vegas.” – House

Oh, House, how I missed you. I didn’t realize how much until I just experienced the life-changing hour of your mid-season premiere. OK, it wasn’t really life-changing, but  I  had a boat-load of fun and when you’re looking to be entertained for an hour, you can’t ask for much more than that. I love that the writing has stayed so stellar for six seasons, with just a few blips.

In fact, I had so much fun watching all of the characters screwing with each other that I can’t really pick something to write about tonight without mentioning it all, so I think that’s what I’ll do.

House’s antics

  • When House suspected the patient had loud-noise-induced vertigo, he slammed his cane on the exam bed. Nice opening jackass move.
  • “I need the drugs.” – House
    “We’re in textiles.” – drug dealer
    “I NEED THE DRUGS! (pause) Hm … it works for Jack Bauer.” – House
  • House bugged the patient’s room to try and find out where the drugs were stashed, presumably so he could find out  where the patient was possibly getting sick, but really, he was just having fun playing detective.
  • “The hair’s still bugging me. Did you get it cut because you’re starting a new chapter, or….” – House to Chase. I’m going with that theory, although it’s funny that as soon as Chase has no one to tell him that he was sporting a homeless man’s ‘do that he would finally cut it. I like the clean-cut Chase.
  • House’s and the drug dealer’s conversation about “textiles” was the greatest analogy ever.
  • Posing as a gay man to “hit that,” that being the woman Wilson is interested in, is thoroughly House. Add in the A Chorus Line poster, an Evita listening party, complimenting the neighbor’s shoes, and wearing the wide-collared pink shirt … awesome.

Wilson’s antics

  • Wilson knows what coolats are.
  • Did you ever think you’d see Wilson publicly propose to House? Eh, I suppose it was coming eventually.
  • I think Wilson may have auditioned for Glee tonight, with his rendition of A Chorus Line‘s “One.”

The team’s antics

  • Thirteen, Taub and Chase think that Foreman needs to be taken down a peg (agreed!), so they decide to make him think that they make more money than he does. An inspired idea!
  • Borrowing a fancy ol’ watch from a friend to make it look like you’ve got money to burn is a stroke of brilliance, Thirteen … I love that the team’s getting some spunk of their own and messing with each other.
  • When Foreman beats the team at their own game and they tell Cuddy they’ll give a portion of their paychecks to Foreman so he can have a raise, “The phrase, ‘Who’s your daddy?’ comes to mind,” is completely appropriate.

No one screwed with anyone in one of the last scenes, but it’s worth mentioning how masterful the scene was … you know the one, when they bounced back and forth between the dying undercover cop and the drug bust. Masterfully shot and edited, and just another testament to the high quality House has sustained.

Welcome back, Dr. House!

Photo Credit: Chris Haston/FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | House | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Twelve ways House makes screwing with your friends fun”

January 12, 2010 at 10:50 AM

A week or so ago, my dad and I were discussing the show and my mom interjected with how she thought Wilson and House are a couple since they live together. I couldn’t believe how she didn’t understand that House was living with Wilson since he should be alone (part of his release from the psych ward)! But if you only watch a couple eps. here and there, you might miss major story-lines. I guess other people may have been confused as well and this was the writers way of making it hillariously clear that they are just two guys who happen to live together. My sister and I laughed like crazy when House ripped open the Chorus Line poster package and when Wilson got down on one knee. Think I laughed more at House last night than HIMYM.

January 12, 2010 at 1:35 PM

I think it’s spelled culottes. Hilarious episode! I love how mean House is to Chase (and he just takes it).

January 12, 2010 at 7:08 PM

You got it correct with “culotte” so high marks on catching your mistake!

And, yes, House has remained wonderful in our eyes for the entirety of its run. It’s good to have the not-so-good doctor in the house again. (Yeah, bad and obvious pun, but unintended as it’s an old phrase and not my fault they named him “House”)

January 12, 2010 at 1:40 PM

Oh, never mind … I need to catch up with the urban dictionary (mis)spellings. :D Next they’re going to spell it kewlots.

January 18, 2010 at 6:42 PM

Yay, Deb and I finally agreed 100% on an episode of House. The planets have aligned.

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