CliqueClack TV

The Vampire Diaries – Secrets, stalkers and heroes

- Season 1, Episode 11 - "Bloodlines"

Well, color me disappointed. I’m not sure why tonight’s episode of The Vampire Diaries didn’t resonate with me, but I felt it lacked that certain something … the something that’s turned this show into my guilty pleasure of the season, the something that leaves me satisfied, yet ashamed, every time I watch it.

The thing is, I can’t figure out what was missing for me tonight. We had Elena’s car accident, Bonnie’s unplanned visit to Katherine’s tomb, the fateful roadtrip that ended with Damon’s near death and Brie’s (Gina Torres!) heart literally being ripped out of her by Damon. We got some back story on Alaric, a vampire-obsessed love interest for Jeremy (who’s totally going to find out about the vampires soon), and lots of secrets revealed.

For all intents and purposes, I should have been saying “OMG!” when instead, I just whined “meh.” I’m hoping it was just because I was so excited for Supernatural‘s return at 9:00 that I just couldn’t think about anything else, and that my giddiness when I watch The Vampire Diaries will be back in full force next week. For now, let’s pretend I don’t need major therapy and discuss all the goodness that was in “Bloodlines.”

I’m finding it hard to view Stefan, Elena and Damon as a love triangle. It would take a whole lot of redemption on Damon’s part to qualify as competition for Stefan. The dude ate Alaric’s wife and murdered his old lover, Brie (Gina Torres! Did I say that already?), just two more dirty deeds to add to his long list.

Damon learns that he doesn’t actually need the crystal to free Katherine from her tomb, just Emily’s spell book. I like the driving force behind Damon’s evil. Isn’t it always about love? Or money, I guess.

Really, Elena had no other recourse but to crumple into Stefan’s arms after her ordeal. I’m still holding to my theory that Elena can be a character as strong as Buffy and not stumble down Bella’s whiny path. Please. Elena learns that she was adopted and that Stefan was pretty much keeping every secret that was important to her (he saved her life and stalked her for months). I’m glad to see her forgive him now that he spilled it rather than hold a grudge. He really does love her.

So who’s stalking Elena now? Damon doesn’t know and he certainly seems to be a vampire, one that’s featured prominently in next week’s episode, if the previews are any indication. Damon and Elena seem to be trading saving each other’s lives, so I’m betting that Damon will come to the rescue again next week. Which may bring us to why he could be a love interest for Elena, white knight and all that.

Another prediction: somehow Damon’s going to be involved in Elena’s parents’ car accident. There’s got to be more to it….

So it was a good episode, right? Even though I had Supernatural on the brain?

Photo Credit: Guy D’Alema/The CW

3 Responses to “The Vampire Diaries – Secrets, stalkers and heroes”

January 22, 2010 at 12:26 PM

I actually enjoyed this episode and is the ep I always wanted. I figured that Damon probably had a long-time human friend/lover whom he trusted with his background/concerns but would kill without hesitation if crossed. So, when the writers gave me the episode I wanted I leapt for joy. Even so, although I expected it, I found the end slightly disconcerting.

Both Lexie and Brie were women that had a long-standing relationship with Damon, knew his weaknesses, and kept him ‘human’ (or, at least he didn’t use them like pawns as he does with the sheriff and her daughter). Yet, he killed both easily, which reminded us again of his evil-ness. No matter how kind he seems, the only people he won’t physically harm are his brother and Katherine.

In terms of guest stars, I thought this was an awesome (and probably expensive episode). Between Jasmine Guy and Gina Torres, I did a double-leap. However, I’m assuming it’s an accidental offset of good casting, but is there some odd linkage between ethnicity and witchcraft/vampiredom?

January 22, 2010 at 3:25 PM

I agree that this episode lacked something. For me, the Damon/Elena relationship just isn’t working. It was too easy.

The rest was really pretty good, but I fear the triangle of Stefan/Damon/Elena.

January 24, 2010 at 1:53 PM

I too fear the Stefan/Elena/Damon triangle, I guess they tried to show Elena and Damon together this episode but it just didn’t work, it was awkward. Sadly my fear for the triangle is more distaste. I’m not a fan of the torn between two brothers angle, it makes Elena look weak, bitchy and a bit sl*tty and I want Elena to be a strong female character like their making Bonnie. I think Bonnie is awesome and love seeing her in episodes finding more out about her abilities.

I did feel Elena was a little silly getting that guy to spare Damon’s life and then have him go and kill the woman in the bar (forgot her name).

I am intrigued to see what else Damon will do.

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