CliqueClack TV

White Collar’s Mozzie is the best

- Season 1, Episode 9 - "Bad Judgment"

How great is Mozzie, huh? I mean, he was all over last night’s episode of White Collar, and he was fantastic. It’s like he came out of his shell all at once. And he’s meeting the whole family … spending time with his chaperone Jones (Sharif Atkins), kidding around with Elizabeth. His relationship with her evolved so much that she went from “Mrs. Suit” to “El.” Do you realize what this means? Soon enough Peter will be calling Elizabeth just to say hi, only to learn that she’s out to lunch with Mozzie. Awesome!

I’m not so crazy about his being Neal’s information source on FBI cases (Neal came to him about the judge), but I do like Mozzie’s ancillary involvement in the case, like checking for bugs or playing the irate package recipient. I really can’t get over how much I enjoyed him, or fully grasp the great dimension that he adds to the show. I think I’m even going to like Elizabeth a lot more if she spends her time with Neal and Mozzie.

Anyway, last night’s caper continued the tale of Fowler (Noah Emmerich) and his merry men. To be honest, I’m not sure if I’m 100% following that story line. Is he on Peter’s back because of Neal and Kate, or is that separate? Whatever. Anybody who bothers our boys is all bad in my book. Sweet move by Peter to back him into that corner at the bank with judge.

I was sad to see Erik Palladino popping up. I think he’s great, don’t get me wrong, but that tells me that he won’t be spending much time on Make It or Break It anymore. I know it’s more a question of production schedules than anything else, but how often do top-billers on one show appear as a guest on another? I mean other than Timothy Omundson popping up on The Deep End last week.

I was a little curious about the FBI’s drive-through window that brought this case to Peter and Neal in the first place. Is that an option available to us commoners? Because I have this neighbor who likes to get drunk and rowdy. That could be a federal issue, right?

And how about Peter falling for the old “Kid drew a picture of me so I melt” trick? Anyone with kids knows that it’s only your own kids’ crappy drawings that can do that to you. Can you imagine what the world would be like if that wasn’t true? You could bring your five year-old to the bank with you when you’re looking to take out a loan, or refinance your mortgage. Loan officer says no? Draw a birdie for him, sweetheart! What a world.

But back to the show. I really liked how the entire office came back in to help Peter out. It felt exactly like the show itself is feeling — like family. Was it telling that Natalie Morales was nowhere to be seen even then? Marsha Thomason got screwed.

And just to come full circle, two more Mozzie-isms for you. One, was that like The Game of Life, pioneer edition, that he was using to outline the con? Did you see the covered wagon? And how about his line to the messenger guy? “I figured you’d have the face of a mouth-breather.”

How great is that?

Photo Credit: USA Network

5 Responses to “White Collar’s Mozzie is the best”

January 27, 2010 at 12:09 PM

I really enjoyed this episode. It’s my favorite so far (and I’ve enjoyed them all). My favorite scene was when Mozzie arrived at Peter’s place. The whole scene was hilarious and then capped off with Neal coming in with the dog. I could watch that over and over and laugh every time.

January 28, 2010 at 10:48 AM

My favorite Mozzie line was someone (Neal?) telling him “He didn’t bug the dog,” to which he replied, “Amateur.”

The only thing Lauren’s absence told me was that when you have an episode with this many name guest stars and extras, the budget isn’t going to allow for both Atkins and Morales in walk-on roles, as their parts are pretty interchangeable. And we’ve gone over this before, but I really don’t see what more Thomason would have added to this thus far minor role.

Peter’s the ultimate softie. He’s practically adopted Neal and Mozzie into the family at this point, so I had no problem with him letting the little girl tug on his heartstrings. There was an episode of Better Off Ted this season in which an executive kept her subordinate’s daughter hanging around in her office when firing people because they were reluctant to swear or get upset around a child. It was so effective that by the end of the episode, she had proudly started to let the little girl do the firings on her own.

January 28, 2010 at 12:24 PM

I don’t think Thomason would be utilized better, I just think she got robbed after the pilot, where she was great, and its not like Morales is a shining star here. She’s been missing for longer than just this week.

That’s really funny about the Better of Ted thing. That’s what I’m talking about! :)

January 29, 2010 at 9:50 AM

That “Better Off Ted” episode was actually from last season. Veronica, Ted’s boss, was firing someone and Ted’s daughter, Rose, was in her office at the time. Veronica noticed that the now ex-employee, while very angry, wouldn’t resort to any outbursts or expletives with a small child in the room. This proved so effective that she eventually had Rose do all the dirty work, which of course was eventually stopped by Ted, the apparently only sane person on the show. And a fantastic show it is (while it lasts).

January 29, 2010 at 2:30 PM

Thanks for the season correction; the episodes are all so good that they all run together in my head. I spoke abstractly above because I doubt Aryeh has any idea who the characters on Better Off Ted are.

I think my favorite bit was when Veronica had given Rose a severe, pulled-back hairstyle identical to her own.

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