CliqueClack TV

Greek sells nerds for charity

If I’d been placing bets on major plot points for this half-season of Greek, the Gamma Psi fire wouldn’t have even entered my mind. Yes, I understand that it’s a vehicle for Casey’s story, but never would have guessed it. I’d say the fact that they’ve managed to turn it into a three-parter so far is impressive, if the story — and the players — weren’t so annoying. I know a lot of you like Katherine (Nora Kirkpatrick), but I keep hoping she’ll be swallowed up whole by the Earth.

Not that Casey’s been particularly enjoyable through this entire episode either. I actually like when ZBZ is busy worrying about their blue ribbon points, or that upcoming party — when they’re moping around, and Casey’s playing super-sleuth, they’re a bit trying.

Although their nerd auction didn’t hurt them one bit.

For the second week in a row, Rusty and Dale came through hugely for me. Not that Dale has ever disappointed, but Rusty isn’t always on the mark when it comes to his plots (see Jordan and his other love-sick stories). What he needs is a refocus on his friends, his engineering, and his brothers. And his burgeoning friendship with Ashleigh could actually be really interesting; I’ve always enjoyed the sibling/non-sibling vibe from them. And throwing Daley in the mix was a stroke of genius.

Actually, if Dale’s around enough he might make up for the loss I feel over Evan and Cappie. It would be beyond impossible for the show to compensate for dangling that in front of us only to yank it away, although demolishing their Amphora stupidity is a start. That entire thing was built on a flimsy foundation to start with, and I think it’s generally been a poorly used device for setting up situations that could have been better handled elsewhere. I say good riddance.

And I really wish we could say the same to Rebecca. I’m sorry, and I know how much of a fan favorite she can be, but what the hell? All of a sudden she’s down on men, love, relationships, whatever else, taking no responsibility for the Gamma Psi fire, eating into some of Cappie’s screen time, ruining an otherwise enjoyable Evan … can’t she just die some horrible death and spare us all?

Okay, deep breath. Some other fun things of note from last night:

  • I enjoyed Rusty the rock star, especially because the show employs the nerd world in such an amusing way — it’s usually paralleled humorously against the Greek system. Rusty’s hunger for the limelight, however, is rarely pretty.
  • Now that I think about it we may have seen this before, but I loved how Casey reads to Beaver before he goes to sleep. Of course, that ignores the side of him that would be sleeping with different women most nights, but it was funny enough not to be analyzed.
  • Did Rusty supposedly look like JJ Abrams after his makeover? Because I don’t know the man, but no.

And, okay, Rebecca did give us a memorable quote: “I hate waiting in line … it’s so Midwest.”


Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Greek sells nerds for charity”

February 2, 2010 at 3:02 PM

JJ Abrams is the most annoying person on Earth. Considering that there are only a “few” episodes of LOST left I’ll make one thing clue that no one seems to get… JJ ABRAMS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH LOST! HE HASN’T FOR MOST OF THE SHOW! STOP CREDITING HIM WITH IT!

Anyways that said Greek this week sucked. lol

If Rusty and Ashleigh start dating I think I might throw up, they didn’t seem friendly, they seemed little Ashleigh was flirting with him.

No Calvin makes me sad and there wasn’t enough Dale. Cappie’s time got wasted on… that thing…. ick.

I was really hoping that Rusty would finally date a geek before the show ends, but no such luck this week.

February 4, 2010 at 3:48 PM

I think Ashleigh’s just become sad. Do you even see any attempt at ZBZ leadership coming from her? And I’ve never understood why they never have enough time for everyone.

That being said, I did enjoy the episode, but to each their own. ;)

February 5, 2010 at 3:04 AM

ugh i was totally hating on rebecca this entire episode. her attitude just gets on my nerves. and when they were posing in front of the car, she was standing right in front of cappie’s shirtless body. i barely got a good glimpse! :(
and i love beaver’s character. and when he asked casey to read to him, i couldnt stop laughing. :)

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