CliqueClack TV

Leverage – A psychic told me there was a lot of character development in this episode

- Season 2, Episode 13 - "The Future Job"

Keith and I just got finished watching “The Future Job,” this week’s episode of Leverage, and Keith turned to me and said, “That episode had its really good parts and its not-so-good parts.” I have to agree with the sentiment, but not with Keith’s criticism. He found it really hard to believe that they could set up Dalton the psychic so quickly and easily, with the coffee, car being towed and the fortune cookie.

I found it easy to forgive those parts, because we’ve seen how thoroughly the team can research and how quickly they can put a con in place. Sure, we didn’t get to see them research Dalton’s parking tickets or his daily routines in this episode, but we know how Team Leverage operates.

What I found to be a bit lackluster was the case in general. I expected more out of Luke Perry, but he really didn’t give the team a run for their money. He folded so neatly, such a spineless guy. I enjoy Leverage much more when they fight the slimy, the slippery, the big bads of the world … not a fake psychic. Give me an art heist, please, and a guy with a gun. You know, who is the mark, not after the mark.

But that’s my only complaint because in Leverage‘s subtle way, we ended up with some great moments and lots of character development:

  • Parker showed some true emotion when the “psychic” read her, and dare I say weakness. Seeing the team rally behind her in such a sensitive way demonstrates how strong their bond really is.
  • As they were explaining to Parker how the fake psychic did her cold read, I couldn’t help but love Nate’s line: “It’s not that much different than what we do.” Heck, they even use earbuds.
  • Sending an electric current through the table where Tara a.k.a. psychic Bethany was reading Dalton was a stroke of brilliance. And it made me laugh.
  • Last week, I loved watching Tara and Eliot bond. Did you notice how he’s become more protective of her now? I’m with commenter Jennifer: getting Tara and Eliot together would be a great way to keep Tara around once Sophie comes back.
  • There’s always a great twist at the end of Leverage episodes, but when they blew through the storage unit and they were in Dalton’s studio, I yelped. That was really inspired. It was even funnier that moments before they entered the storage unit, Dalton started saying, “Hey, I know this place …” and they cut him off.
  • Nate connected so sweetly with the client at the end, and it made me think of him and his son again. I’m sure he loved him even more because he had elements of Maggie in him.
  • Tara, who made it clear she was in it for the money when she first took Sophie’s place, finally understands why they do it. I like how she’s becoming more 3D.
  • Parker ends the episode perfectly: “He who looks for hidden money shall find it. If he is also a thief.”

Only two episodes left of season two….

Photo Credit: Darren Michaels / TNT

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Leverage | TV Shows |

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