CliqueClack TV

30 Rock – Liz is alone for Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day on 30 Rock means Liz Lemon wallowing in her loneliness and asserting that there is nothing wrong with being single!

- Season 4, Episode 13 - "Anna Howard Shaw Day"

Are you as sick as I am of all the Valentine’s Day themed episodes this week? Is it some sort of law that every comedy on TV has to have an episode based around the card-and-candy-company-created fake holiday? Shouldn’t at least some of the shows be celebrating the upcoming President’s Day? Or Mardi Gras?

In any case, 30 Rock succumbed to the peer pressure and gave us a Valentine’s Day episode. It was a great chance to wallow in Liz’s loneliness, which always makes for a good time.

Liz wasn’t the only one feeling lonely, though. Jenna was mourning the loss of her stalker in this episode, which only served to highlight just how crazy she is. Could she possibly be more insane than the stalker who replaced the contents of her refrigerator with doll heads?

Jack’s endless parade of girlfriends continued in this episode too with the introduction of Avery Jessup (Elizabeth Banks). I love Banks, and it looks like she’ll be hanging around for a few episodes. She’s a talent, and usually delivers in whatever role she’s playing, so I hope that she continues that streak on 30 Rock.

I think 30 Rock wins for getting the biggest laugh of the year out of me. When Liz showed how she could do everything that people in relationships can do by zipping up her own dress via treadmill modification, I guffawed. I haven’t laughed that hard in a while. It’s bits like that that make me love this show so much. What other show would do that?

On to the quotage:

“On Valentine’s day Angie and I rent a room with a heart shaped hot tub and cook chili in it. Then we take it to a soup kitchen and that’s where it gets sexy!” – Tracy

“I always knew this would end some day. I just thought it would be with me in the trunk of a rental car.” – Jenna, on being dumped by her stalker

“I learned to talk to gorillas when I worked for GE medical. [While signing] We’re going to test poisons on you.” – Jack

“Wow, Avery Jessup, she’s hot. She was on Maxim’s ‘I’d Rape That 100′” – Liz

Photo Credit: Ali Goldstein/NBC

Categories: | 30 Rock | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

One Response to “30 Rock – Liz is alone for Valentine’s Day”

February 11, 2010 at 10:59 PM

Poor Liz and she had such a hook up streak going for her: James Franco, the new cast member, a pillow.

But I do agree about the Valentines Day overload. Maybe the advertisers require them to mention it. Remind the male views they need to go shopping.

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