CliqueClack TV

Greek – What’s amazing is that the KTs had the foresight not to use real arrows

Valentine's Day on Greek Row finds old couples competing, new couples fighting, and young love sputtering. Can Casey, Cappie, Rusty, and the gang make this a Valentine's Day to remember?

I’ve seen Valentine’s Day-themed episodes in the week preceding the actual day. I’ve seen them in the following week, particularly when Valentine’s Day falls out earlier in the week (see last Sunday), and shows use the whole week to commemorate it. But two episodes late? Greek was really banking on love still being in the air last night.

Well, I for one was definitely feeling it for all things Dale, Rusty and his new love interest, and … I guess Cappie and Casey, although I’d hoped that their relationship had evolved into that mature phase where it wasn’t about who could buy the nicer gift. And in the end, they proved me right.

Poor Dale. I don’t even want to think about what injury he had taken care of at the hospital (and how does that explain why his date needed to be seen as well?). Did her retainer, still in her mouth, need to be extricated from somewhere? And was it in keeping with the theme of their party, “Celibate good times, come on!”?

What worries me about Dale is how he’s not only dreaming of his best friend’s sister (reasonably acceptable), but also his other best friend’s girl. Cappie may see it as nothing more than a whole lot of “Aw, cute!” but if Daley really has feelings for Casey, isn’t that encroaching on someone else’s territory? Dale’s puppy-dog love for Casey is too cute to have it end in a fallout with Cappie, so I hope he stays the course, but keeps things on this side of acceptable.

I love how pathetic Rusty’s love life is, even if there’s a lack of consistency each time he’s had a girlfriend — he certainly never seems smooth, but he’s also never seemed like Katherine did while around him last night. I’m no Katherine fan, and at first I found the entire infatuation to be very forced, but watching them at the KT party I could see how they might be kindred spirits, even if I’m not sure I believe that Katherine would date a sophomore.

But back to Rusty … conversation hearts from mommy? Hell, having Mommy as your only historical valentine? Rusty is awesome, and when he’s this guy — sad, dorky, lonely, awkward — he plays to his strengths. If this is what it takes, give me Katherine over Jordan or Jen K. any day of the week.

The rest of the couples left a lot to be desired. Ashleigh’s always had bad taste in men, but when this Pete/Natalie thing is sitting on your chest and punching you in the face, maybe you should be cognizant enough to notice it and run in the opposite direction.

I’ve never been into Grant for Calvin, but I actually think now that it’s Calvin who falls short. I never gave any thought to the fact that he’s very self-conscious when it comes to only being seen as, or only being defined as being gay. But the truth is that that’s exactly who Calvin is. And while his life is his prerogative, Calvin’s always used that personal position as a barometer by which he judges others. I’m not saying he has to dress flashy himself, but if his boyfriend wants to, that’s his expression of who he is. Calvin’s plenty comfortable with others, but ironically, he might still be unsure of who he actually is.

I like Evan’s pursuit of Rebecca — it’s kind of gross listening to Casey and Rebecca discussing their two mutual boyfriends though — but I’m totally lost by the current iteration of Rebecca. If this is fallout from her father, we should have seen her as this person last half-season. This hatred of all things love and romance is a reasonable reaction to a situation we know about, but the foundation for her actions was never established. She just seems hateful … not that she hasn’t always been, but sleeping with Beaver? Who is this person? Evan needs to follow Ashleigh’s lead and run. Fast.

And congrats to Greek on the season four renewal!

(Calling to Rusty from the other room) “Sometimes Bridget eats with her retainer in and kissing her is like eating lunch twice in one day.” (Walks in and sees Casey) “Hey Casey; how long you been there?” – Dale
“Ah, long enough to taste my lunch twice.” – Casey

Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Greek – What’s amazing is that the KTs had the foresight not to use real arrows”

February 23, 2010 at 12:14 PM

It was a fun episode even through it’s like doing a Christmas episode in January. I enjoyed the episode, it was nice and sweet.


The show is on the bubble because the ratings aren’t great and cost some money to make. Just drop Rebecca and Evan. Evan should be gone after this season and Rebecca should go with him. I can’t stand her. That says some money.

February 23, 2010 at 4:26 PM

Unless they change things soon, I don’t see how Evan and Ashleigh will hang around next season. Rebecca, on the other hand, will require a pretty bloody ending. We can always write in suggestions!

February 23, 2010 at 6:26 PM

They should copy how South Park killed off Chef except add more death parts.

February 23, 2010 at 5:20 PM

Find a new girlfriend for Evan asap and personally i think Rebecca should be so much better with Beaver. They would make a fun, funny, quirky couple. Evan and Rebecca : not enough chemistry, too contrived and pretty unoriginal. I will be even more open for a Nathalie/Evan pairing or a Katherine/Evan pairing than him with Rebecca so stop that quickly writers if you want some ratings !!
Love Dale.
Yes Kat and Rusty : quirky but fun (and so much more interesting and refreshing than his others pairings, and i don’t want Ash with him, it will be a ugh big sister/little brother no thanks)
Cappie and Casey not sensational but cute..i am looking forwards how the writers will manage to let them stay together without becoming boring, hey we know how tv couples work so..
I don’t mind Grant and Calvin, i was not really fond of his other boyfriends so this pairing is ok for me.

February 24, 2010 at 12:01 PM

I think Rebecca’s a bit too dark and bitter for Beaver. Plus I think she’d be mean to him. But I’m with you on Evan needing someone new, and better.

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