CliqueClack TV

Sober House – A multi-course dinner of curiosities

There was so much packed in last night's hour that I turned to the Mister and asked: "How in the world can I synopsize this?" We were perplexed, so I decided to break it down into parts.

Tara’s back Guest-Clacking for us again! Turns out she really does love these celebrity reality shows.

Wow. This story just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser. If you’re a fan of Sober House, you know what I mean. If you’ve never seen it before, then see my last clack to give you the main dish. For now, the courses keep on coming.

First: Kari Ann Peniche. For the last three Dr. Drew shows, she has been the girl you love to hate. And she’s not disappointing this time around. We begin on day two of the celebrities moving into the Sober House, after going through rehab. The head of house, Jennifer Gimenez, and Kari Ann have already tussled on day one. The kitten fight continues, and Jennifer says, in the first ten minutes of day two, “I hope she leaves soon.” Cue scary music.

Kari Ann’s problem (this time) is that she’s invited country singer and old rehab buddy Mindy McCready to live in her “real” house, while she is in Sober House. Trouble … we all know how daft Kari Ann is, and she blames her wild behavior at Sober House on Mindy. Kari Ann is convinced that Mindy will steal things from her … like photos and “personal” videos.

Oh and surprise! Right after Kari Ann says this, a video of her and a “famous couple” leaks from her hard drive to the media. Hmmm. Did Kari Ann leak this herself? It’s unclear, but implied. Kari Ann throws a hissy. And when called upon her actions, she does her typical schtick … slugging a camera man. Jennifer is just toasting in her panties that she has a reason to get rid of her … finally. I mean, it’s been two days! After much hemming, hawing, and swearing, Kari Ann roars away in her SUV. Strangely, I’ll miss her.

I’m running out of time, but in the coming 40 minutes, the celebs have to do “real jobs,” and they can’t handle. My fave quote is from Tom Sizemore on this one: “I know what working is. I’d just rather not do it.” Amen there, Tom.

Then, ex-Alice in Chains rocker Mike Starr completely loses it, while withdrawing from heroin. I counted him flipping off the camera five times, and (don’t watch this with the kiddies) saying the F-word at least twenty. We leave him mid-rant, another camera man gets slugged, and next week’s tease makes it look like Mike will get the boot as well.

There’s so much more. Dennis Rodman is doing better. Seth Binzer makes a fourth reappearance. Good golly. You have to watch this show. And I advise the camera guys to wear catcher’s masks from now on!

Photo Credit: VH1

4 Responses to “Sober House – A multi-course dinner of curiosities”

March 19, 2010 at 5:12 PM

I know! This just gets better and better. It goes down especially well with a quart of butter pecan ice cream. All the guilty pleasures rolled into one.

March 19, 2010 at 5:54 PM

<—— now needs to catch up and review all the frolickry

March 19, 2010 at 9:12 PM

You know I’m hooked on Dr. Drew. So, anything he does is keen. I had to Google the sextape co-horts of Kari Ann’s. Wowsa! Whoddathunkit? (No, I didn’t watch. Yuck)

The other teaser I found intriguing is the continued loathing/love to hate you relationship between Sizemore and Fleiss. Man, I wish her ginormous lips would go to a detox center. SCARY!

March 21, 2010 at 3:01 PM

Thanks for reading Sue and Ruprecht!
Marissa–the Tom and Heidi thing is ready to s’plode next week, methinks!

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