CliqueClack TV

Kirstie Alley’s Big Life … a big deal?

I was highly anticipating this new show, which follows actress Kirstie Alley around in "real life." It's on A&E, which is a bizarre choice. But I auto-tuned, and the Mr. and I set ourselves in. And I have to say, I had some problems....

Tara’s back Guest-Clacking for us again, this time about Kirstie Alley’s Big Life….

Kirstie Alley is funny, that’s a given. She is the kind of gal who will make a joke of herself before anyone else can. I relate. However, after a fashion, it grows a bit tired. Here are just some of the many, many self depreciating comments early in the game:

“I have Miss Piggy Legs.”

“I can’t believe I got this f’ing fat again.”

“I look 30 months pregnant.”

“That picture of me is the ugliest thing I have ever seen in my life.”

And there are tons more of these quotes in the premiere episode. Kirstie obviously hates herself. And that sort of irritates me. Her mansion. Is gorgeous. I will now refer to it as the House that Cheers Built. Intercoms and fountains, and a lemur structure? Yes, a lemur structure. It looks like paradise. And her children, True (puh-leeze) and Lillie, seem great and well-adjusted.

Yet, Kirstie just seems focused, nay obsessed, with her fat. It’s all she can talk about or think of. And she never lets anyone in her house, or her viewers forget that. She is overweight. OK? We get that. But, until the show kept unfolding, I didn’t understand the why of it. The obsession. The depression, and well, “bigness” of the issue.

Until the paparazzi comes to call. They dog her day and night. And the only thing they focus on, is getting a “fat” picture of Kirstie. Can you imagine? Her driveway has traffic! She cannot go anywhere yet she has to live her life. The consequences of which are to see herself in the tabloids. That might overtake my life too. However….

This show is going to be about her struggle to lose weight. Not for herself, so much, as the press and talk show hosts that are constantly watching her behind. And how much it does or does not grow. I’m sad that America is so freaking down on women. I’m sad that Kirstie can’t just enjoy her privileged life because of a stupid thing like not being a size two.

And I’m sad that the entire premise of this show is about a woman who is trying so hard to conform to pop culture, that she is putting these messages out for teens and women. If you’re fat, you don’t matter. You’re worthless and ugly. What she is fighting in Hollywood, she is reinforcing. Probably unconsciously.


Photo Credit: A&E

6 Responses to “Kirstie Alley’s Big Life … a big deal?”

March 22, 2010 at 1:59 PM

I think you hit the nail on the head. This is about a woman who has it all, but only gets attention when she attempts to conform. Crazy. Why should she stay thin? She only gets attention when she’s fat.

March 22, 2010 at 2:11 PM

First of all I think when you reach the age of 59 you can pretty much look the way you want to, it doesn’t really matter anymore. I mean for her age she is still beautiful.

That said: without her being fat and all she wouldn’t have a TV show at all. So I kind of understand that she talks about it a lot, it’s the premise of the show. Considering “Fat Actress” as well as her other shows in the past decade, it might be the house that “Cheers” built, but the fat is paying for it right now.

To be honest to me it looks like a perpetuum mobile. She’s fat, paparazzi make photos, she gets a show about losing weight, paparazzi make photos, she gets thinner, paparazzi make less photos, she gets fat again, paparazzi make more photos, she gets another show about losing weight ad infinitum ad absurdum.

But seriously – she’d morbidly obese. It’s not nonconformity to want to get into a weight range that’s less near “heart attack” and closer to “cuddly”. But again – she’s 59. Last week Lee Majors was on “Community”. When he tries to grin his ass moves, that’s how many facelifts the guy had. If that’s the alternative I’ll take Kirstie in a heartbeat.

March 22, 2010 at 2:49 PM

Claudia–she does get a lot of attention when she’s fat, because it’s considered such a sin in America to be overweight. Especially if you used to be considered a sex object.

And Sebastian. First of all, I don’t think 59 is as old as you make it sound. And of course, Kirstie is not at a healthy weight…but to create this much hulla baloo about it, is just silly to me. I don’t know if you saw the show, but she actually said she wanted to kill herself over it at one point. She’s creating so much drama over this, and making it sound like anyone who is overweight is committing the mortalest of horrifying sins. I don’t think it’s a good message to send to women.OK, make a show about losing weight, but with humor and upbeat messages.

Thanks for taking the time to write…your Lee Majors comment made me giggle.

March 22, 2010 at 10:00 PM

FINALLY…found you!

First… I hafta comment on: “when you reach the age of 59 you can pretty much look the way you want to, it doesn’t really matter anymore.” ACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! Even at 80 it will still matter to me. 60 is the new 40.

It always hurts me to see the “plus” sized ladies make fun of themselves in this respect. Granted she is at an unhealthy weight but still….still…..she disrespects herself as a woman. There are ways to tell those outside her circle to take a hike and still remain her dignity.

**sigh** the willow thin bodies of models, actresses, etc. damage the psychie of young ladies. They strive to look just like the air brushed models which is never obtainable. This can and does lead to major eating disorders. Hokay, I think I got off the topic.. Great article though…I do love Kristie…she is beautiful.

March 22, 2010 at 10:06 PM

I agree with all your good points, Mikki! (Especially that 59 is not “old.” The Mr. is 59, so I got a lil briste-ly at that comment.:)

March 24, 2010 at 2:06 PM

I’m curious about the “program” she kept mentioning that she is developing. She’s enlisted the help of her handy man, Jim. I might be wrong, but when Kirstie was super thin she was also a cocaine addict. Now her addiction is food. It’s a vicious circle (if it’s indeed true). Don’t crucify me if it’s just old tabloid news.
It is not as easy as pushing yourself away from the table. I know that too well.

That’s my 2 cents. :)

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