CliqueClack TV

Lost in Lost – What’s in the sub, and crazy moms

'Recon' may not have been my favorite episode of the final season of 'Lost,' but there were definitely some moments worth talking about: the locked compartment in the submarine and Kate and Locke's discussion on the beach.

I made it clear in my review for last week’s episode of Lost that I wasn’t a huge fan of “Recon.” It seems like most of the reviews were pretty mixed around the internet. With that being said, there were several very interesting moments that seemed to be setting up some bigger future reveals. I know some fans are sick and tired of these moments, figuring that the show has had five years to set up the ultimate pay off. Personally, I’m more forgiving; I still want Lost to do what it does best.

One of those interesting moments came when Sawyer was being led to Widmore on his submarine. The show made a point to display a locked door on the vessel and Sawyer even asked about what was behind it. Clearly, there is something important behind that door. There is one obvious option. Just as Widmore seemed like the simplest answer as to who was coming to the island, I’m figuring that Desmond is behind that locked door. In all honesty, I’m hoping that I am not correct. I’ve said many times in this space that I don’t want to see anything happen to Desmond and Penny’s happy ending that they have already had. At the same time, however, it seems like it would make sense to have Desmond playing a role in the final events on the island, as he was such a critical figure up to this point.

Desmond is certainly not the only option. There may not even be a person behind that door. If it is someone else, my guess would have to be Walt or Aaron. For the first few seasons we were led to believe that Walt was “special” and he was clearly wanted by the Others. I think that if Walt really were as important as some believe, the Others never would have let he and Michael leave the island at the end of season two. My theory is that they performed all of their tests on him, and decided that he was not the “candidate” that they were looking for. Of course, it could be that they let him go knowing that the island would find a way to bring him back, like Charles Widmore kidnapping him and locking him up in his sub. Similarly, Aaron has always seemed to be a big part of the show, he garnered a lot of interest from the Others, and a lot of the drama on the island has surrounded him even though he’s not there. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the little boy pop up on the island before all is said and done.

Of course it may not be a person at all. It could be another nuclear bomb. Perhaps it’s some piece of Dharma paraphernalia or some lost piece of island mythology that will play a big part in the end game. As of now, just about anything could be behind that door.

The other moment in “Recon” that caught my attention was the conversation between Smokey Locke and Kate regarding crazy mothers. It was a fascinating moment. What I really liked about it is that Kate didn’t really have the same context that we, the viewer, had. Kate doesn’t know nearly as much about “Locke” as we do. Unless I’m not recalling things correctly, Kate only knows that Locke died. She doesn’t know anything about the nature of this being calling himself John Locke. I have to figure that she was thinking John Locke was talking about his mother, which I don’t feel was the case. I think it was Smokey talking about his “mother.” The monster has claimed to have once been a man, but I’m not entirely convinced.

There certainly appeared to be a lot of weight to the conversation. I have a feeling that this is all going to circle back at some point and play a larger part in the island mythology. Smokey made it seem like his mother had a huge impact on his life, which clearly led him down a less than conventional path. All the small details added up to one idea for me. The crazy mother, living in exile, and a life of bad choices all made me think back to the biblical tale of Cain and Abel. They were the sons of Adam and Eve, and Cain betrayed and murdered his brother. He was sent to live in exile in the Land of Nod. Even I don’t really believe that is what we are seeing on Lost, but I figured I would throw it out there. I think the mythology and end game are going to be completely unique. I certainly hope the writers are going to be more clever than just tagging Smokey and Jacob as characters from classic or biblical mythology.

We’ll just have to wait and see.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | Columns | General | Lost | TV Shows |

One Response to “Lost in Lost – What’s in the sub, and crazy moms”

March 22, 2010 at 12:17 PM

All this talk about crazy mothers makes me long for Danielle Rousseau.

And could Daniel Faraday be in the locked room on the sub?

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