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Greek – The KTs exact their revenge, Rusty style

The season three finale of 'Greek' finds everyone headed to Myrtle Beach for Spring Break. Will the KTs bring down the Omega Chis? Will Casey and Cappie find a way to stay together? Will the show be back for the long-haul?

I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I was to be able to preview the season three finale of Greek. And for once, my enthusiasm was not for naught.

I was rather impressed with the way the episode followed through on the Kappa Taus’ revenge on the Omega Chis. Well, 95% of it. But certainly from the initial shot of random toys strewn everywhere for the purpose of modeling-out the plans, through the different phases of the scheme, it was all rather engaging, and in character. Well done.

What saddened me a bit was the Casey/Cappie story line. To see Cappie ready to lavaliere Casey, knowing what we knew about her perception of their relationship as a “short story” … I felt sympathy for Cappie the entire time. And nothing but scorn for Casey and her doomed outlook on their relationship. She’s the girl I always wanted for Cappie, but Cappie’s the man. Any woman he’s ready to commit to that can’t accept him for who he is can….

I actually found it even worse that, in her fear of the future, the only way in which she could imagine her and Cappie staying together was if she put her life on hold, like by becoming the ZBZ House Mother. It wasn’t a life path she was talking about, but rather a means for hitting pause and sitting idle the way she thinks Cappie is. That just made everything worse. After rooting for them to get together for so long, I’m kind of glad they look to be done for.

And someone explain to me how Casey was applying to schools like Stanford, Georgetown, and GW for law school, when we’d never known her to be much of a student, and her decision to apply to law school came later than would have been normal for someone to properly prepare for their LSATs, and put together good applications. She certainly could have slapped something together for CRU, but Stanford? Really? She thought that made sense?

There was, however, a lot of really great stuff going on. I had forgotten that nominations for House presidents would be about now, and I was psyched to see Calvin get nominated. I’d love to see him battle it out with Tripp, and I just wish we would get the opportunity to see him act as president, possibly for two years — if the show only has one more chapter to go, we won’t get that opportunity at all.

I loved that Dale wanted to go to “Sin in the Sand Land,” and that he stayed with Rusty and Dana. I’m not so into Dana, but Dale being on Spring Break this time was great. And Drunk Dale is always fun. Maybe this trip will be a turning point for him, and Dale developing an interest in having a “college experience” could result in his inclusion on a lot more episodes … for what’s left of the run of the show. Right.

I was left confused about Evan and Rebecca. I know that Evan has cause to be mad at her, but he cheated on Casey, and they were in a really serious relationship. How can he say that he wouldn’t be able to forget when he demanded that Casey do just that? Forget about double standards for a moment … that just makes no sense. But for a second, when Rebecca was apologizing, I actually felt for her. Crazy, I know.

And now back to the revenge plot. I was actually surprised that the OXs were willing to stay in a house that the KTs deemed acceptable for themselves, because you’d think the Omega Chis would naturally assume that it was a dump. But I loved how well thought-out the entire thing seemed — the mobster tossing the OXs out, leaving them homeless. Rusty getting “caught” paying the guy off. The KT party and the police … it was all fun and funny, even if the police involvement made me feel as if things had gone too far. But for the final play to be getting Calvin in place for the presidency, and him calling a truce? It’s the mature move, but how does that satiate the adolescent appetite for revenge that is sure to be coursing through the veins of all the KTs? How does that do anything to Evan, who’ll already have moved on by then?

The end was a letdown for me. Kind of like this show ending in ten episodes. I hope, wholeheartedly, that that’s not the case. But damn if this wasn’t a good end to the season.

“Awful lot of gratuitous flesh; it’s like the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric.” – Dale, on the women in the bar

“You know, with drink names like that, they’re practically promoting unwanted pregnancies.” – Dale, after Dana discusses “drink” ideas with Rusty

“Wait, that’s a real job? I would be so good at that. It’s like being cool and psychic.” – Ashleigh to Rebecca, about Trend Forecasting

“Cheese and crackers; this your donkey too?” – Cop to the Omega Chis, at the KT party

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Photo Credit: ABC Family

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