CliqueClack TV

The Vampire Diaries – Mystic Falls, town of drunks and dicks

'The Vampire Diaries' doesn't stop for a breath when it comes to delivering the reveals and secrets, and tonight they do it with lots of drunkenness and characters acting like total dicks.

- Season 1, Episode 18 - "Under Control"

“Have I entered an alternate universe where Stefan is fun?” – Damon

Wow, The Vampire Diaries just doesn’t let up. Is there no lull in the reveals, will the layers of secrets ever get peeled all the way to their inner core? Just when you think you know what’s going on and what might happen next, they decide to toss David Anders and an awesome recurring role into the mix.

OK, I admit, for a very brief moment, when Damon snapped Uncle Jon’s neck and sent him plummeting off the balcony, I believed he was dead. About 1.7 seconds later, I realized that David Anders would definitely not take a fifteen-minute-long guest role, so I knew he was either a vampire himself or had Alaric’s super powers. Yep, another ring — well, what do you know. And that just opens up a whole new can of worms: How does Jon know Isabelle? What are his motives? When will we meet her? And all that other good stuff.

What are you all thinking about Stefan on blood? Sex seems sexier and he apparently needs to carry a napkin with him for head injury emergencies, but Stefan with cravings is nowhere near as fun as Angelus — yet. Sure, the booze and the mind control give him a devilish edge, but when he drinks that mug o’ blood at the end, I do wonder if Damon has a point: “He doesn’t want to be me, but that doesn’t mean that deep down he’s not.” How far will Stefan go? The previews for next week have me hoping we’ll see some real evil come out, or at least something to help blur the lines between Stefan-good and Damon-bad.

So who doesn’t drink obsessively on this show? Kelly, Tyler, Matt, Stefan … the list goes on and it never ends well. I’m just waiting for Stefan to be sporting a Bloody Mary in the next episode. Really, why has no one on the writing staff thought of that one yet?

I liked the really sweet moment between a weakened Stefan and Elena, with her insisting that she’s not at all afraid of what he might do to her. I like it even more because you just know that was foreshadowing … I’m waiting for the moment that all goes out the window and she fears him, and Damon’s there to pick up the pieces. At the pace this show is going, it won’t be long, and I love it when they shake things up. In fact, they are totally due for another murder soon … who’s biting it (no pun intended)?

Other things I noticed and questioned:

  • Nice gratuitous muscle flexing when Stefan was working out at the beginning.
  • I’m standing by my original thoughts about Kelly … what is her purpose here? She’s adding nothing for me, and making out with Tyler was just gross. Matt’s best friend and Vicki’s ex should be off limits for anyone with any sense of … decency? Pride? Morals? Oh wait, never mind….
  • And again, we see that Tyler’s dad is a total dick … but what’s new there?
  • Jeremy knows all that Elena’s been hiding from him — where’s that storyline going to take us?

Photo Credit: Quantrell D.Colbert /The CW

4 Responses to “The Vampire Diaries – Mystic Falls, town of drunks and dicks”

April 16, 2010 at 9:37 AM

After seeing David Anders in this episode, it made me sad that ‘Alias’ is gone…. No, wait a minute, I wanted that show to end already. Nevermind.

So how is this series lining up to the books so far? Way off base or sorta similar? Not at all?

April 16, 2010 at 9:44 AM

What you meant to say is that you were sad “Heroes” is gone … or as good as gone … or gone to the fans who actually liked it the first season…. something like that! ;-)

April 18, 2010 at 8:11 PM

Ok, so I agree and disagree, here’s my two pennies…

1. Stefan on blood is totally entertaining, but I think it’s gonna be short-lived. This next episode is obviously him hitting “rock bottom”. I’m thinking he is gonna loose it, and Elena will talk him down again. In the preview he says “I’ll rip your throat out”. He is probably talking to Elena, trying to get her to stay away from him, which she most-likely won’t. She’ll talk him down again, and he’ll spend the following episode getting over himself.

I also really don’t see her fearing him as really there just isn’t time for that. Stefan obviously gets his act together by the episode after “Blood Brothers”, and going by the pictures, he and Elena are doing fine; so basically if she is going to get all weird and start fearing him, she has about an episode and a half to do it and get over it. I don’t so much see it happening, but ya never know.

2. I totally agree aqbout Kelly, she can go anytime now. Maybe they’ll kill her off! Though that would suck for Matt… kinda…

3. This last one is basically just me griping, but I am tired of Jeremy. Yes I said it, he can go. I have never liked him. I just don’t get into his plot lines, they just seem to get in the way. Ya, ok, every now and again there is something relevent, but they way I see it they could have found some other way to get the same thing across. For instance, the whole him reading Elena’s jurnal and finding out everything – that should have been am OMG moment, but really I just didn’t care, and it bothers me because I feel like I should. I’m suer there are tons of people who are going to disagree with me, but Jeremy can go away.

Just my thoughts. :)

April 20, 2010 at 7:35 PM

TVD is totally awesome! I love how intense it is at the end of every episode. And they are not just pointless cliffhangers, they are stuff we actually care about.

ANGELUS RULES, no one will ever match up in my opinion. That said, I love Stefan and even though I can see Stefan and Elena going through some hard times, you can tell she will stand by him in the end :)

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