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The Vampire Diaries’ Stefan: Good, evil or somewhere in-between?

The set-up for the big finale is killing me ... where will Stefan stand when this human blood thing all shakes down?

- Season 1, Episode 19 - "Miss Mystic Falls"

“Just because my DUI made my community service mandatory doesn’t mean I was any less committed.” – random contestant for Miss Mystic Falls during her interview

Last week, I was hoping to see more of Stefan on human blood and tonight I more than got my wish. I’ve got to hand it to Paul Wesley. When I see a relatively new pretty face, I admit that I doubt whether or not the acting chops are there backing up the goods. Tonight Wesley proved he’s got ‘em. Sure, I felt his pain and angst and all that, but the part I liked best was how he suddenly took on Damon’s mannerisms and inflections. Human blood makes a vamp cocky, methinks.

Another admission … I did think of David Boreanaz’s Angel again, going all Angelus on us. It was almost hard to believe the same actor was playing Angel and Angelus, they were so different.

I’m enjoying the animosity between Uncle John and Damon. Now that Damon and Stefan act a little more like brothers, we needed a new nemesis for Damon and John fits the role perfectly. Now Damon gets to tease him with the watch, and you know it will be fun finding out what that little number really does — you can bet it’s more than just telling time.

Um, so did I call it, or what? Last week when I discussed how they’d have to detox Stefan, I mentioned Bobby Singer’s basement lockdown shelter would be a good choice. Well, it’s not quite as impervious, but it’s a good start. Man, Stefan is going to feel the guilt….

A few more notables:

  • “Would you prefer me to be broody and tortured?” – Stefan when Elena mentions he’s in a good mood
  • Jeremy’s goth hair is so yucky.
  • “I’m not sad. I’m freaking hungry!” – Stefan to Amber, his victim
  • Holy eye contact, Batman! Elena and Damon did some heavy flirting during that dance.
  • Bonnie’s just … witchy. I get that her grandmother died, but it seems out of character for her to be so cold to Elena.

What do you think — any guesses on how this season will play out? Only three more episodes….

Photo Credit: Quantrell Colbert/The CW

4 Responses to “The Vampire Diaries’ Stefan: Good, evil or somewhere in-between?”

April 23, 2010 at 9:07 AM

Oh, one more thing about David Boreanaz — remember the episode of Angel where he turned human, and besides eating a bunch of ice cream and being with Buffy, his whole demeanor changed and he has happy and giddy as opposed to broody and mopey. That’s what I’m talking about with Wesley … it’s a believable character change b/c there are reasons, but it is so well done.

April 24, 2010 at 5:58 PM

I’m guessing that’s the room with vervain that Stefan through Damon in before.

Also, don’t we already know about the watch? Damon had Caroline take it from Jeremy to track down another vampire or something like that.

April 25, 2010 at 10:41 AM

Nope, it’s not that watch. They thought it was, but when Pearl was handing it over to Damon, she said she’s not sure what this watch does. She thought she had the other, but then Jonathan Gilbert found her out and tossed her in the tomb b/c the watch caught her, so she had the wrong one. So it’s a mystery what the watch that Damon now has does.

April 24, 2010 at 8:46 PM

I totally agree about Wesley. Kids’ got some skills, and it’s nice to hime him able to show them. I also like the Damon – Uncle John dynamic, though I think things will start to heat up between Stefan and Damon again here soon. It has been a nice change to have them ‘getting along’ if that’s what you want to call it, but my prediction is that Damon is going to start getting all sweet on Elena, and Stephan is gonna be pissed about it. Whereby re-amping the brotherly bickering. Just seems like that’s where they’re headed. We shall see. :)

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