CliqueClack TV

The Vampire Diaries – Who’s the bigger bitch: Isobel or Bonnie?

On the surface, Isobel is offensively bitchy and Bonnie finally softens and is Elena's friend again. But when we finally get beneath their facades, it's pretty clear who the real bitch is.

- Season 1, Episode 21 - "Isobel"

“Hell, you’re a dick and you kill people but I still see something human in you, but with her, there was nothing.” – Alaric to Damon, about Isobel

I was all over the place watching this episode — I gasped, I flinched, I smirked and I knew it. But damn, if my heart still wasn’t racing. What fun!

When Alaric said, “Screw you, you selfish bitch,” to Isobel, he sure wasn’t kidding. I couldn’t believe the lack of humanity, and I was thinking that it was really such a mistake on the part of the writers, not showing us what Alaric saw in Isobel in the first place. Maybe he should have added “murdering” in there somewhere, or “cold,” “heartless,” “conniving” ….

I should have had faith, though, and waited to see how the episode played out. It would have been so disappointing to see a two-dimensional Isobel, and the writers surely wouldn’t disappoint us, right? The last scene with Isobel and Alaric was so wonderfully perfect, not to mention the conversation between her and John. She does care about Elena and doesn’t want her to end up a vampire because of her association with Stefan and Damon. Now we feel for Isobel and have to believe at some point she’ll bond with Elena and do what Elena wishes. Can’t you see her turning against John as he’s trying to kill the Salvatore brothers?

Back to my all over the place-ness. I was relieved when Bonnie finally made up with Elena, because that was getting old and juvenile. But I have a feeling it’s going to be Elena’s turn to be mad soon enough. I don’t really think Bonnie was respecting her grandmother’s memory when she pretended to break the spell on the invention … I think she wants Stefan and Damon dead. So really, who’s the bitch here? Isobel, who is hiding her regrets from the man she’ll always love and doing what she thinks is right for her daughter, or Bonnie, who is lying to her best friend and putting lives in danger because of her selfish wishes? Anyone getting Buffy, season six vibes? Bad Willow, anyone?

Other things:

  • It’s no surprise that John is Elena’s father, I suspected that even back when I interviewed Julie Plec.
  • Anyone else thinking of Alias‘s Rambaldi with the “invention”?
  • Anna makes me so sad, and I wonder if Anna and Jeremy are going to turn out to be the strongest relationship in the show.
  • How did Isobel know Damon was in love with Elena?
  • Damon’s line about the DNA test and Maury Povich was great.
  • It’s also great that Damon is becoming more human.

Photo Credit: Bob Mahoney/The CW

9 Responses to “The Vampire Diaries – Who’s the bigger bitch: Isobel or Bonnie?”

May 7, 2010 at 4:50 AM

Damon made it known his feelings for Elena when he first confronted Isobel. When he slammed her head & said “…you do not come in to my town & threaten people I care about. Going after Elena, bad move. You leave her alone or I’ll rip you to bits…” it spoke volumes. I’m guessing Isobel spent a lil time with Damon because of their interactions & she has to know how he generally dislikes people, so when he threatened her life if she hurt Elena, that’s when she knew for sure.

That’s my take on it anyway.

May 7, 2010 at 9:41 AM

You are so right, LOL! I was looking for something like psychic powers or some new vampire lore I missed, and it was just obvious to her like the rest of us! :-)

May 7, 2010 at 2:25 PM

They are both bitches. Their attempt to make Isobel likeable at the end didn’t work for me. She went too far in her treatment of everyone for her to redeem herself any time soon. She thinks the Salvatore brothers will be her downfall, and yet does something that makes Elena even closer to them. She’s not just a bitch, she’s a stupid bitch.

I am so into Damon right now – and I loved the scene xnifex described above. I love the bad boy with the heart of gold. He’s the Spike to Buffy for Vampire Diaries. Or maybe he’ll be the Logan Echolls to Veronica Mars. Either way, they have developed his character in a much nicer path than I was prepared for – I thought he’d annoy me far longer than he did. And knowing to what lengths the Salvatores will go to protect Elena, outside of jealousy I can’t think of another reason for Isobel to want them killed at this point.

Bonnie. She’s been a bit much since her return, but doing what she did with regard to that spell, acting without knowing the entire story, acting out of vengeance – bad move Bonnie. She’s going to end up on the wrong side of the “war” that is obviously brewing between all things supernatural and that will break Elena’s heart. Again.

So love this show. That they take chances with characters and leave your head reeling is great television. Soooooo sad we won’t see more of them after next week until next the fall. Nooooooooooo!

May 8, 2010 at 9:28 AM

Great episode, loved Damon’s line about stefan wanting to feel every episode of How I Met Your Mother. Especially as it’s not a show with the same demographic… gives us fringe demo. watchers something uniquely ours.

May 10, 2010 at 2:17 AM

Deb – I’m just waiting impatiently for Damon and Elena to hook up. That look they gave each other at the end when she was hugging Stefan … there’s some (even more) bad blood comin’ between the brothers. And I can’t wait!

I think Isobel knew Damon was in love with Elena because of the earlier scene where Damon and Isobel wrestled around and he told her to stay away from his town and the people he cares about – especially Elena.

And I’ve always thought Bonnie’s a bitch. Just the vibe I get from her.

May 10, 2010 at 9:36 AM

The Damon Elena thing would be great, but I’m pretty sure won’t happen. The producers have flat out said, ‘There will always be tention between them, but anyone waiting for Damon and Elena to get together will be dissapointed. Show will always be about Stephan and Elena. It has to be; they’re soul mates.’ It was an interview, if I can find the link I’ll attach it. I was dissapointed too. :(

July 28, 2010 at 1:21 PM

That’s not true. The whole series is about Elena having to choose between Damon and Stefan. They wouldn’t say that, or they would give away the whole show. If you have proof then show it to us, don’t just say that you’ll “give it to us if you can find it” so you can make it sound true.

June 22, 2010 at 5:10 PM

I don’t think it was so bad what Bonnie did, really. She was doing what she believed to be right, to save the most innocent people, even if she was wrong and she obviously did love her Gran and think she’d want that. Plus, she showed regret about it when talking to Caroline.

What I can’t forgive her for is how she’s been since she came back to the town. I used to really like Bonnie’s character and I realize people change, but she was such a bitch to Elena and just relied on Caroline to be okay with that because she wants a best friend like Elena had. Even when she saw her crying she just walked off. She should not take it out on Elena because she doesn’t like who she’s dating, I have friends who are like that… It’s silly.

Plus, new hair, new frustraiting attitude… Uh.

Isobel is still a bit of a bitch though, I mean, even if she ‘cares deep down’ she still hurt Matt in front of Elena and scared her, and let Elena feel horrible emotions, and Alaric too for that matter. People think they are doing right by keeping people in the dark and hurting their feelings.

Plus, if all these vampires regret being a vampire so much… Why not end it? It’s all angst, no action. xD

July 28, 2010 at 1:29 PM

Damon really deserves Elena !
He already gotten his heart broken once and it was really sad. In the past, Stefan got Katherine and Damon didn’t, and Katherine chose Stefan over everything. Now it’s happening again and Damon doesn’t need that again. Stefan deserves to be tortured all his life from Damon because he’s taking everything away from him.

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