CliqueClack TV

Ice Ice Baby and Kate getting s-h-o-t – Things that didn’t suck this week

Death, sex, destruction and Tina Fey. There were lots of things on television that didn't suck this week.

It’s been a little while since we’ve done this column, but it’s getting to the end of the season and TV is getting ridiculously good. This week, we have the best thing possible on Lost, followed by the worst thing ever, the resurgence of Vanilla Ice on Glee, Community, and more. All of which definitely did not suck.

Kate gets shot on Lost

I love Lost, and this season has been a-ma-zing. But my favorite moment of the season, and definitely one of my favorite of the series came this week when Kate finally got shot. The clip is a short one, and it illustrates the few, fleeting moments of happiness when I thought she was finally gone. We just won’t talk about how Jin and Sun died while Kate still manages to linger on. Because that’s just going to piss me off.

“Ice Ice Baby” on Glee.

Fact: During my junior year of high school, I was working at a video store and my friends and I rented Cool As Ice, Vanilla Ice’s tour de force, over and over again. To this day, I still quote parts of that movie, and it never ceases to entertain me. The use of “Ice Ice Baby” in this episode was perfect: it’s a fantastic song; it’s just really Vanilla Ice’s utter lack of a sense of humor that killed it.

Jeff and Britta get busy on Community

I already talked about this in my review, but not only did the whole “action movie” thing rock my face off, but the Jeff- Britta resolution was handled in such a way that it stayed true to the show and didn’t seem like a “very special episode.” Plus, Senor Chang? Priceless.

“Really, with Seth, Amy and Tina” on SNL

As much as I adored Betty White on SNL, I have to say that my favorite part was seeing Tina Fey and Amy Pohler back at the Weekend Update desk. I know everybody already has a total nerd boner for Tina Fey, but I’ve got to say: seeing her speak Greek was pretty hot.

Photo Credit: NBC

One Response to “Ice Ice Baby and Kate getting s-h-o-t – Things that didn’t suck this week”

May 9, 2010 at 9:19 PM

My 15 yr old son has watched Community twice On Demand. WE both laugh until we’re hyperventilating. My favorite moment? When they spoofed THE WARRIORS (one of my all-time favorite movies). Excellent point about Jeff and Britta. I do NOT want them to date and BONUS seeing Joel McHale in his skivvies. Me-to-the-yeow!

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