CliqueClack TV

The Vampire Diaries kills, maims and surprises with an awesome season finale

I've said before that I love the unbridled bloodshed and the many reveals in 'The Vampire Diaries.' Tonight's season one finale gave us more than I ever could have bargained for.

- Season 1, Episode 22 - "Founder's Day"

If we were comparing this episode of The Vampire Diaries to a classic epic novel, it would surely take its place next to … OK, who are we kidding — I’m trying to write something deep and meaningful here and all I can come up with is OMG!!! I’m just not sure The Vampire Diaries could be any more fun … and then the finale hits the airwaves. Is it still my guilty, shameful pleasure if I shout it from the rooftops? I LOVE this show!

Man, it pays not to be spoiled, because I had no idea that Tyler and his dad were supernatural beings. Very, very cool. Then I looked it up on the internet and it seems everyone else knew back in November, when the spoiler broke that a male character would be revealed as a werewolf. Still, I don’t care that I’m the last to know because that reveal was awesome! And it seems that he doesn’t even know that he’s one — it’ll be fun watching this play out in season two.

I’m going to miss Anna, I really liked her character, and as I was watching the rest of the episode, I was wondering what her death would do to Jeremy. Well, they answered that one. And here’s my prediction — Elena’s going to find out that Damon was there (’cause that was Katherine … follow along) and blame Damon for Jeremy’s turning and they’ll be back at square one. Damon won’t stay all redeem-y for long, especially with Katherine back. I’m also thinking Jeremy just may be the Big Bad of season two … or does Katherine’s appearance throw a wrench in that theory?

And since I did not give it proper attention — KATHERINE! Am I the only one who nearly fell off my couch when “Elena” grabbed the knife and whacked Jonathan’s fingers off? I did NOT see that one coming at all. And while I’m slightly disappointed that it wasn’t really Elena and Damon kissing, I still sort of got to see them kiss, so that was really well done.

Bonnie’s still bitchy but at least she sort of explained herself. I’m a bit flabbergasted that neither Damon nor Stefan called her on her huge, huge lie about deactivating the device. Instead, they kiss her … er, feet, thanking her for saving them. Yeah, I suppose, but she still needs to be called on her bad behavior. Hopefully Elena will get to that next season.

My incoherent babbling and idiotic use of capitalization is telling me that this post should really come to a close. Fun, fun, fun and a huge congratulations to Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson on an amazing freshman season of The Vampire Diaries.

Photo Credit: Bob Mahoney/The CW

9 Responses to “The Vampire Diaries kills, maims and surprises with an awesome season finale”

May 14, 2010 at 12:16 AM

This finale was excellent- this show has totally exceeded my expectations. I’ve read all the books, and I’m so very happy that the show has turned out to be nothing like them. I knew about the Lockwoods’ little, ah, genetic glitch, but the reveal was SO cool. And Katherine! I didn’t see that one coming, either! When “Elena” was chatting with uncle John, putting away the knives, I thought maybe she’d grab one and threaten him or something. Kudos to the writers for keeping us on our toes! I can’t wait to see how Katherine’s return affects Damon- I’m sure it will be delicious…

May 14, 2010 at 12:59 AM

Now that was a finale!

I didn’t know about the werewolf thing, but I always thought something was up with all the extreme anger & the mayor always beating on Tyler. I’m glad I stayed unspoiled too, because as Teresa said, great reveal.

I’m surprised that vampires can’t sense other vampires. Otherwise, Damon would have known that something was up on that porch.

I’ll miss Anna too. I thought her & Jeremy were great together. I can’t wait to see him as a vampire.

May 14, 2010 at 9:44 AM

What a great way to end the season!

I had suspected something was up with Tyler but didn’t really know what. My friend, who knew that he was a werewolf, pointed out that in previous episodes there were shots that hinted in that direction. One about him standing there with the full moon behind him and something about a wolf poster overhead. Not sure what episodes but very clever on the producers part.

It broke my heart when it wasn’t Elena kissing Damon. I did not see the Katherine twist at all!! I think I yelled that she wasn’t invited in…but then rewatching the scene Aunt Jenna says something like come inside. Very well played.

Love this show and love your posts about it!! Can’t wait for next season!

May 14, 2010 at 5:05 PM

I Love The Vampire Diaries!!! :)

May 15, 2010 at 5:24 AM

I was totally caught off guard by the Katherine reveal as well! I got all excited for “Elena” and Damon kissing but like you said, even if it wasn’t real at least we kind of got to see. That Katherine is one sneaky vamp!
I do have to say though – as soon as I saw her putting away those GIGANTIC knives I had a feeling something bad was going to happen! They don’t just throw that kind of stuff in there for nothing..

May 15, 2010 at 9:41 AM

I don’t know, Jeremy is pretty stupid. He trys to change himself, but leaves the empty vile of blood and empty bottle of pills in bathroom that he shares with his sister who knows all about the changing process… Ya, something tells me they are going to find him intime and he will be saved. After all depending on the pills he used, it could take awhile for him to actually die. If they were going to have him change for sure, they should have had him get his neck snapped or something. Just a thought.

May 15, 2010 at 5:08 PM

that would have benn better than pills

May 15, 2010 at 4:59 PM

I hope jer doesnt die

May 15, 2010 at 5:02 PM

Even though jeremy did drink blood after anna died how is he going to drink blood without knowing so he could die!!!!

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