CliqueClack TV

Nine things Cougar Town has done right all season long

There's something special about the way this cast has melded in with the formula written for 'Cougar Town.' It works every time and I'm looking forward to more come September.

- Season 1, Episode 24 - "Finding Out"

“Sorry Jules, but you’re not in a relationship yet. It has to last more than nine days before I consider it real. It’s the same rules I use for hair extensions and foster parents.” – Laurie

Even though I haven’t written about Cougar Town in the last few weeks, I’ve been loving every episode. Last week’s “wine makes girls skinny” was a favorite moment. I’d be fibbing if I told you I didn’t do an internet search for that article….

Tonight Cougar Town went out on a high note, doing all the things they do best, while upping the ante on sweetness:

They brought back some gems from past episodes. Ultimate penny can, a game they’ve been perfecting off the edge of the land boat all season, finally found a purpose in a hilarious contest to see who’d have to tell Bobby that Jules and Grayson are dating.

A weird fact (or two….) was revealed about Bobby. We get some awesome tidbit every week, from the big things, like driving a golf cart and living on a land boat, to the small stuff — you know, like carrying around a journal to write “smart” things in. Tonight the writers took a trip to Deviant Land as they divulged that Bobby would “hit that” Ewok if she were wearing a skirt.

Making fun of the actors’ physical quirks as part of their character. We’ve poked fun at the bald head of Andy, the crazy amounts of Botox Jules and Ellie do and of course Grayson’s tiny eyes. Tonight, Travis’ skinny arms were the focus. I’m waiting for them to somehow work in the massive amount of moles that Busy Phillips has all over her chest.

A group show. Sometimes Grayson plays his tiny guitar while they all sing along, but tonight he was the one man audience for the “good morning, look at my funky wool hat show.” No one can get away with anything on Cougar Town without it coming back to haunt them, which really feeds the evil little parasite inside my heart.

An ‘Ellie and Jules are way too close’ moment. Though it wasn’t quite as creepy as Ellie being the stand-in for afterglow cuddling with Jules for Grayson, Ellie snooping in Grayson’s closets with Jules just oversteps so many boundaries I don’t know where to begin. I think they need the social skills group from last week’s The Middle. But they took it one step further with the “relationship remix.”

Bringing back the best stuff at the end of the episode. Not only did we get to see balloons fall from Grayson’s ceiling as Jules described she feared may happen, but once again, we heard the “relationship remix.” It’s great when a character’s worst fears are realized at the same time another one’s words get taken out of context. Delightful!

A bizarre pop-culture reference. Pop culture references are all the rage these days, not done much better anywhere than on Psych. Cougar Town never does it in ab obvious, run-of-the-mill way. Some might even argue that Teen Wolf is so outdated and uncool that it couldn’t possibly even be a pop culture reference, but therein lies the beauty of Cougar Town.

A ‘Travis learns the ways of the world’ moment. It’s been fun being a part of Travis’ coming of age, and how he can do it with the most embarrassing set of parents on TV right now is incomprehensible. Tonight, we saw Travis discover his relationship style: he’s the Yes Man. He wears it well, and it worked on Kylie.

A moment of sweetness. There’s always one of these, whether it’s Ellie revealing how much she really does love Andy, or Jules and Travis having a mother-son moment. Tonight’s was the perfect moment of sweetness to end the season with. They all love Bobby so much that the elaborate plan to make him happy so they can break the news that Jules and Grayson are dating was beyond adorable. There really is so much love amongst this funny, incestuous little group and I look forward to having them back this fall.

How’d you feel about the season finale of Cougar Town, and the whole season in general? You coming back for more?

Photo Credit: ABC/ADAM ROSE

4 Responses to “Nine things Cougar Town has done right all season long”

May 20, 2010 at 6:53 AM

I actually enjoyed Cougar Town more before the reboot, when not quite every character hit an eleven on the snark-o-meter. It’s still a very good show, but, as with The Middle, I found I didn’t care at all when I missed an episode and quietly dropped out as a viewer.

May 20, 2010 at 3:49 PM

It’s insane how much I questioned this show because of its title before I saw the first episode. I only tuned in because of Scrubs.

This show is comedy gold. I mean three seconds in when Grayson said “Super” I was already sitting there going “squeeeeeeeeee” :-))

Serious Flashback to “Friends” on this Episode. “Mrs. Chanadalar Bong”… “He’s a… a… Transpondster!”

Courteney Cox looks awesome in this show although I have to say those shoes she wore during Ultimate Penny-Can: ouch. Way to hurt yourself to look awesome. And I serously didn’t believe that Busy Philipps could be that insanely funny when she half-pulled her “mask” off and stuck her tongue out. That was so… cute. Damn it. I hated her on Dawson’s Creek (hate is the wrong word, I just didn’t get the appeal of a teenager who’s that “loose” which reminds me that she basically plays the same character on CT again) but this was supposed to look like “Alien” but was so… man I wanted to pinch her :-)

May 21, 2010 at 3:25 AM

I love these show, the cast is great, and they have an awesome chemistry.

Grayson’s tiny eyes will stick with me forever… they ruined the appeal the actor had to me, now all i can see forever are his insanely tiny eyes!!! LOL

May 28, 2010 at 10:14 AM

The remix of Grayson’s quote was HILARIOUS!!

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