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The Practice virgin’s diary – How could Helen screw this one up?

Joey Heric, serial killer, returns with a surprise -- he's become a lawyer! With his first murder trial just around the corner, he asks Donnell and Associates to be his second chair.

(Season 6, Episodes 18-19)

I’m trying to recall … do other legal shows have this many crazies running around, serial killing, chopping people up, eating them alive, and threatening their lawyers? I feel as if the insane is really ratcheting up as the series continues, and I’m not sure it’s comparable to anything else I’ve ever seen. The difference, of course, is that on the rare occasion that a nut turned up on Boston Legal, it seemed a bit too wacky. Here, it’s just par for the course.

6.18 “The Return of Joey Heric”

This guy just can’t stop coming back. But at least he tries a new angle each and every time … it was pretty dedicated of Joey to get a law degree in order to murder someone and then defend the suspect, effectively ensuring that someone else would be convicted for his crime. And he did a good enough job that he also came across as a competent attorney. Extremely impressive.

What was really interesting was seeing John Larroquette in his Heric persona, also showing flashes of the lawyer he’d shortly become on Boston Legal, Carl Sack. Of course you missed that experience if you were watching this back when it first aired in 2002, but then I get a lot of those kinds of goodies. The question is, will Donnell and Associates get him in the end? From the looks of it, they only have one more shot at Heric, as Larroquette appears to only have one more episode of The Practice on his resume. We shall see.

Also making a return was Jimmy’s old friend Jennifer Cole (Tracy Middendorf), the former and current prostitute and crack addict, who interestingly enough made one of her other appearances at the same time as Larroquette as well. Without even knowing her history — but considering the fact that she tried to proposition Jimmy, and then she turned on him — it was clear that she was lying, and that she was out to extort her alleged rapist. How thick is Jimmy? How many times can the same person pull the wool over his eyes?

6.19 “Eat and Run”

There’s no way this firm has such a bad reputation among other lawyers and judges, and yet it continues to be the go-to firm for high-profile assignments. Which is exactly what the trial of Lawrence O’Malley/Hannibal Lecter (Christopher Shyer) was.

For the most part, I really enjoyed this episode, and I loved how O’Malley’s insistence that there was another killer played so well into the other murder that was committed while he was in custody. The prosecution trying to use the method of body disposal as proof of another’s MO was meaningless — the guy admitted to taking the stabbed corpses home and eating them. So obviously if he was locked up he couldn’t have taken them home … therefore the new victim would have been found where the stabbing occurred. Is that not obvious?

I loved O’Malley’s testimony as well. That thing about Adam and Eve, and woman coming from man, and how the dead women were all going to heaven because he was going to heaven and he had eaten them. That was awesome!

The not guilty verdict was kind of crazy, and crazier still is the fact that the law says that the lesser includeds can’t be retried — meaning that while he’s guilty of cannibalism he can’t be prosecuted for it since he was acquitted of the murders. But once again the DA’s office only has itself to blame — cheat, and it’ll come back to bite you in the butt.

But I just can’t stand Lindsay. My hope is that O’Malley gets her and eats her, although I know that’ll never happen. But if she’s “not okay,” why’d she have to return to work and continue bothering us all for the last two years?

And what’s with Bobby? Eugene did a sensational job closing, but why should anyone have to accept Bobby providing inadequate counsel because his wife was feeling threatened? If they can’t work together, they shouldn’t. If he can’t do his job because Lindsay’s sitting next to him, fix it. Don’t screw your client.

I know most people didn’t like season eight partially for this reason, but I’m itching for the time when Bobby and Lindsay are gone. I’ll miss Rebecca, and I’ll probably have a hard time with more Ellenor, but good riddance to them both.

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Photo Credit: ABC

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