CliqueClack TV

Stargate Universe – Season one goes out with a bang

The standoff between the crew of the Destiny and the Lucian Alliance comes to a head as issues with the ship put both sides of the fight in jeopardy.

If you were a fan of the various Stargate properties coming into Universe, you were probably expecting some sort of cliffhanger as the big standoff came to a head. As we learned, those expectations were warranted, and the show delivered a big pile of cliffhanger elements in the closing moments. The majority of that added up to being my least favorite part of the episode. Up to that point though, things were pretty good.

There was a lot to like as the battle for control of Destiny played out. Once again, my favorite part was Kiva (Rhona Mitra). She is such a great villain. As the countdown loomed, it was clear she would get control, simply because she’s the crazier player. She’ll always be willing to go farther and risk more than Young, which means he had to give in. Just how crazy was illustrated well as she killed a hostage as penalty for Young’s actions. And really driven home when she had the body dragged out as Camille’s fourth hostage. That’s evil at the core.

That particular killing though, gets right to my issues with the big ending. When you learned that Kiva had killed Rivers (Zak Santiago), what was your reaction? “OMG! Not Rivers!” Or, maybe more, “Rivers? Who the hell is Rivers?” Despite having appeared earlier in the series, Rivers is a red shirt. His death isn’t surprising, and just serves to reinforce the rules we all know we’re playing by. Those rules, along with the internet, and the preview for next season, also tell us that TJ is going to be okay. So’s Chloe. And Young. Scott and Greer. Eli.  Etc.

With so many ways to go as things escalated at the end of the episode, the tired old “who will survive” angle just felt a little cheap. They know those characters can’t die. We know those characters can’t die. And they know we know… It’s a paint by numbers cliffhanger that didn’t hold up to the 58 minutes that preceded it. There are plenty of other cliffs to hang off of.

It really was a solid finale up to that point. We got an answer for what happened to the fried LA soldier. An answer that managed to be both completely different than what anyone expected, and a cool sci-fi problem that the team could actually work on and solve.

There was also the completion of Telford’s redemption. His play to give control of the ship back to Rush and Brody was great. It also brought about the most surprising scene of the finale. When Kiva rounded the corner I expected Telford to talk his way around what he was doing. But she had his number. The sound of gunfire and the cut to commercial was a shocking moment. Unlike the final scenes, it was shocking because I do fully believe that Kiva can die.

I even enjoyed the little time-out for Eli and Chloe to have ‘the talk’. They took the long route to get there maybe, but that scene did play well with all the things that have happened between the two of them over the course of this first season. It also sets up some very interesting things for them next season. Because… they will both certainly still be around.

With this being the last episode, it’s also the time to reflect and toss around grades for the season. While I had my issues with the very end of the finale, I won’t dock many points for it. Aside from those brief flashes, the last few episodes of the season have been the best of the bunch. That’s a very good sign moving forward. It was a season with peaks and valleys, but it finally feels like footing has been found and the show is really starting to come into its own. I’m now very much looking forward to season two in October. If we want to talk grades, I’d call that acing the final. With that in mind, I give the first season of  Stargate Universe a B+.

Photo Credit: Syfy

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | TV Shows |

25 Responses to “Stargate Universe – Season one goes out with a bang”

June 12, 2010 at 2:36 AM

Great recap. I couldn’t agree more. I’m definitely a convert after a slow first half of Season 1. Now I can’t wait to see what they bring in for Season 2.

June 12, 2010 at 3:33 AM

This is now so clearly “Stargate: Voyager” it hurts but I love it :-)

Especially because (FINALLY) O’Neill and Carter are used in a way that doesn’t feel artificial. It’s awesome. Great show. Can’t wait for more. Better than Caprica by a mile, at least in my book.

June 12, 2010 at 3:36 AM

Oh and don’t forget your first Soccer World Cup Match (England vs. USA) is today at 2:30pm!

June 12, 2010 at 10:15 AM

You’re the first person I’ve run into that’s been even mildly interested in it. I’m not, but when I hear it on the news I do wonder who cares. ;)

June 12, 2010 at 11:35 AM

Here’s hoping it’s not another draw…

June 13, 2010 at 4:51 PM

Great prediction :-)

Germany just won 4:0 against Australia in the first _good_ game of the while thing. It was the 8th game and the first one that was entertaining. That’s what you get when you open the whole thing to 32 teams. No wonder you end up with teams that are equal in strength on a level that’s second league at best.

Whatever. The single elemination round start in two weeks. Then things will get interesting. With this win we’re already almost qualified for that round (we = germany) :-)

Crossing my fingers for the US boys though. I hope they make it to the next round, would love to have them face off against germany in the 1/8 final.

June 12, 2010 at 7:02 AM

I’m fan of SGU and Caprica, and I think that both have started with a slow world-building first half season, with the pace picking up dramatically in the second half.

June 12, 2010 at 9:52 AM

Season one – D

These last two episodes have taken Young and turned him into the dumbest military character on television. What happened to the commanding officer who beat the crap out of Rush and stranded him? And it better not become SGU:Voyager or I’ll give up one it…

June 12, 2010 at 10:19 AM

Agree with Brett, really enjoyed episode, except for the non cliff hanger. It’s like we can see the ravine from the top of the cliff and it’s two feet down and safely filled with packing peanuts. Super enjoyed Kiva and Telford shooting one another!

June 12, 2010 at 12:21 PM

I dunno, the cliffhanger didn’t bother me. With this much at stake, you have to put your characters in jeopardy even if you know that nothing’s going to come of it.

I also really enjoyed the Chloe/Eli stuff. They’re great together.

I agree with the point that Mod was making in last week’s comments (Can you tell I finally caught up on all three episodes last night)? SGU should have done a much better job re-introducing the Lucian Alliance than they did. You can tell by the Pilot that they both expected and knew they were getting a much “newer” audience with this show (Hell, even the call back to the introductory videos last week wasn’t enough). Thankfully, I have all of you guys to fill me in :)

June 12, 2010 at 1:37 PM

Re: Chloe/Eli, why do you like them together? For me, it’s uncomfortable to watch them. She’s not into him and he oozes pathetic. Now if he grew up a little, I could change my mind.

June 12, 2010 at 2:11 PM

I really like the Chloe and Eli relationship. While I feel bad that he is just a friend. It is nice to see a real friendship on the show. I don’t think any other relationship on the show is nearly as strong.

My heart broke a little when she said “I know”.

The other relationships are all based on lust, duty, or animosity.

June 12, 2010 at 2:27 PM

You are probably right about the lust, duty, and animosity, but for me, those things are way more interesting to watch. Chloe and Eli, at present, are like two 90 year olds playing go fish (no offense to go fish) in a nursing home. ;)

June 12, 2010 at 6:18 PM

Call me a sucker for any relationship where the nerd pines after the girl he’ll never get. :)

June 12, 2010 at 6:23 PM

Is this because she’s got an Anne Hathoway sort of look? ;)

June 12, 2010 at 11:15 PM

I thought the Eli scenes were great. He was and still is my favorite character. His jovial behavior is exactly how I would see myself reacting in a similar situation. He is the character I have connected with the most.

Anyone know if he is on the cast for next season? It seems to me that he may pull some kind of heroic death by sacrificing his own life so save Matt and Greer perhaps in some kind of scene where to get them in the ship he has to open the hatch and lower the shield while still inside himself.

The only thing I thought they didn’t play up enough was his genius. The kid solved an equation quickly that Rush spent years working on. I would have liked to have seen more times when this came in to play. Maybe even an episode where in order to save the day he like pushes Rush away from a console because he is to slow and when Rush tries to argue he shows a little courage and says he can do it.

June 12, 2010 at 1:09 PM

I was actually pretty underwhelmed by it, and I’m a big SG:U fan. They basically spent the hour just putting everyone in jeopardy for the cliffhanger, and you know all the principles will be back anyway. The only things I really wonder about: did TJ lose the baby, is Telford dead (I think so) and how will the Chloe/Scott/Eli triangle shake out.

I agree that they had better get rid of all the Lucian Alliance people lest it echo “Voyager” too much. Maybe keep the one guy who tried to build bridges with TJ. He can be the token Teal’c/Ronin character among the crew.

They threw away a big chance for Franklin to be the “ghost in the machine” when it was just radiation coming thru the hole that toasted the one Lucian Alliance guy.

I really wish they had ended the season with the Lucian Alliance raiders storming through the gate, and let this battle open up season 2.

June 12, 2010 at 1:33 PM

If the wounded LA guy (previous BSG baddie) lives to flip (he might) he’s probably gonna fall in love with TJ right?

September 16, 2010 at 1:20 PM

that would be awsome if that guy fell for TJ it would certainly rattle Young :) i hope that he does stay like Ronan for SGA :)

June 12, 2010 at 1:56 PM

While I was irritated a bit by the cliff-hangers in the finale, the argument that they can’t die so it can’t work as suspense doesn’t really work for me. It’s not so much about whether or not key characters will survive, it’s more about how they will survive. Good storytelling can make it interesting.

That said, all the sub-plots hanging in the same way is annoying. I expected at least that Eli would get Scott and Greer inside. It would still leave a lot of what-now still happening in that storyline – they have to get away from the part of the ship where the shield is going to be turned off, and save the world or something.

June 12, 2010 at 4:55 PM

I’m going to keep watching SGU when it comes back next season. That’s says it all.

June 15, 2010 at 10:45 AM

Photo caption:
“She turned the gun sideways! That’s a kill shot!”

June 16, 2010 at 6:03 AM

Loved the Chloe and Eli “talk”. Thought that scene and the one where he leaves her to go and try and save Scott and Greer were excellent. I would expect Scott, Eli and Chloe to survive to carry on the relationship issues to next season.

From comments from the actress who plays TJ, I dont expect, SPOILER WARNING, the baby to make it to season 2, END OF SPOILER WARNING! So would expect both TJ and Young to also make it, to resolve those issues.

June 20, 2010 at 9:15 PM

I’m curious as to what happened in the background. It seems to me that the romantic inclinations of Chloe and Scott have been moved in the series because of personal reasons.

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