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Army Wives – So now Jeremy is the picture of mental stability?

Denise and Pamela work together to track down a kid who's calling 911 and saying that his mother has been seriously injured. Jeremy meets his new team leader.

- Season 4, Episode 11 - "Safety First"

Last night, on a very special episode of Army Wives … okay, not quite, but it did feel more like a special than a traditional episode of the show. At least I hope that was the intention, because otherwise we learned nothing and got nowhere.

Well, that’s almost true. We know that Trevor is now Jeremy’s new team leader … on a team of four? Is it really worthwhile to place officers in charge of such small groups? Unless they’re something more than a basic infantry unit, I can’t understand what the thought process is.

Anyway, was there supposed to be a point to Jeremy’s laughing at Trevor before the live-fire exercise, and then respecting him afterward? Because all I got from that was old Jeremy. You know, the one who used to hit his mother? I don’t understand the purpose of that little plot exercise, except to provide us with more reasons to wonder about what’s wrong with Jeremy … and that’s before taking into consideration his being shot in the helmet by accident.

And of course I’m not ignoring Joan’s saga. I knew there had to be some sort of trauma that was caused by her injuries in Iraq. I’m still bemoaning the fact that we have to suffer through another injury plot, but so be it. But my main issue is with Joan herself — what in the world was she thinking going back to work? And what was she thinking that she imagined she’d be able to deploy with her unit? I’m sorry, and I know that the Army is what makes her who she is, and she should be proud of herself for how successful she’s been, but she collapsed while holding her baby. Does she really think she’s prepared to lead troops into battle? And does she really imagine that doing so would be what’s best for her own safety and that of her soldiers? I readily admit that I don’t understand her side of it at all, but I really hate when people are being so blatantly stupid.

That, unfortunately, was about it for the episode. Because the other 40 minutes revolved around some ridiculous story that was a waste of everyone’s time. Sure it involved a bunch of our characters, and yes it was about saving a life (not sure how that doesn’t count as an injury, but okay), but talk about boring and pointless.

Was the story about how Denise could be successful and fulfilled as a dispatcher? Okay, that would be acceptable, except the issue didn’t arise until the beginning of the episode, so we would have had to see more frustration growing in her beforehand. Plus the plot was too long for that.

Was it about how Pamela and her partner finally bonded? Doubtful, because he’s not “being mean” to her because he doubts her competency … at least I don’t think so. And even if he was, her helping to track down this injured woman doesn’t prove anything about her ability to have his back when faced with armed criminals. It just means she can think, and find ways to pull them off of their assigned task for the day.

Maybe it was meant to show us just how easily Frank is willing to violate the privacy of one (in this case two) of his soldiers. The Frank I know would have said “I’m sorry D, but you know I can’t give out that kind of information.” And D would have understood, even as she pleaded with him to help her in some way.

Hopefully, now that Day 100 has come and gone (I still don’t see how that’s possible), Army Wives can make like Michael cooking pancakes, and get back to living. No more very special moments for me, thanks.

51GyP93qZIL. SL160 Army Wives A season finale mostly worthy of the title51BrcurVH8L. SL160 Army Wives A season finale mostly worthy of the title51kaTVRmJ4L. SL160 Army Wives season 4 Lets review

Photo Credit: Lifetime

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